Page 80 of Some Like It Fox

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After all, I’ve been home almost two months, the longest I’ve stayed home in years. I should be jumping out of my skin by now.

But I’m not.

By the time the sun is sinking down over the horizon, almost my entire to-do list has been accomplished—at least all the major things.

While walking back toward Veronica’s, my phone chimes. I answer the call on the first ring, praying it isn’t another problem to solve.

“Is this Taylor Fox?” a woman’s voice asks.

“Yep, you got her.” I wave at one of the staff passing in the opposite direction.

“My name is Kayley York. I’m calling from Silvertongue.”

I push open the back door, freezing mid-step as I take in the statement.

“Silvertongue? The event organizers?”

They’re huge. They do events all over the country, large and small. TuneFest, Cruel Summer, and Gingerbread Heads, to name a few.

“That’s us. I hope it’s okay that I’m calling. Mindy gave me your number. She said you might be interested in a position we’re looking to fill.”

Surprise tumbles through me. “A position?”

“We are looking for people just like you to run events on the West Coast.”

Holy shit.

Sticking to the edges of the restaurant to avoid the dinner crowd, I make it into the office before I find the words to reply.

“You want me to run events?” I shut the door behind me and lean back against it, rolling my eyes at myself. “Sorry for the parrot routine, I’m just surprised.”

Kayley chuckles. “No worries. I know Mindy may not have had a chance to fill you in.”

She runs through a spiel that I only half listen to through the racing of my heart. This is like a dream.

“It’s not an easy job. We are looking for motivated people with knowledge of the music industry who aren’t afraid to be creative and try new things. There will be a lot of traveling. I can send you the proposal if you want to look it over?”

I nod, and then nearly smack myself in the forehead. She can’t see me. “Yes,” I manage to get out. I rattle off my email and promise to call her within the next week and then hang up, in a bit of a daze.

This is everything I’ve ever wanted. Traveling to music festivals, working with musicians and people in the industry... how can I refuse?

A knock on the door behind me whacks me from my stupor.

I whirl around and yank it open.

“Hey.” Atticus’s palms rest on either side of the doorway.“Are you ready to check out Fox Forest? It’s dark enough.”

I take him in for a second, admiring the warmth in his eyes and the intrinsic strength in his frame.

How can I leave him behind?

I clear my throat, shoving those thoughts away. I’ll deal with that later. “I’m ready.”

We walk side by side, our fingers brushing occasionally as we pass through the bar and restaurant.

We exit out the back door. The sun has disappeared behind the surrounding mountains, the final rays splashing color across the errant clouds in the sky, setting the world aglow in oranges and pinks.

Some of the event staff lingers, doing final touches and cleanup.
