Page 57 of Winter's Thaw

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She frowned. “Has he been getting threats?”

“Yep. But he’s acting all low-key.” Ty frowned. “I don’t like it. Can you keep an ear out?”

“I will.” For sure. Gerald shouldn’t be in danger for doing his job. That screwy Roberta McKay. Maybe Laura should give the squawker a visit.

“No. I can read you like a book, Deputy Angry. Leave the raptors alone unless you absolutely have to engage. We have to appear impartial.”

“I know.”

“And it’s your cousin’s neck on the line,” he reminded her.

“I know that too.”

“Keep a cool head is all I’m saying.” He left her office with a nod.

She spent the rest of the day doing her best to ignore the present in her desk drawer. But that left her with plenty of time to ruminate on what dinner with Gerald’s parents would be like.

Fortunately, a brawl at a bar downtown turned violent, so she got to go break up a passel of wolves. By the time she made it home for the evening, she had only enough time to shower and change. She was halfway out the door when she stopped.

“Oh, screw it.” She hurried to the mystery present and pulled out a glass ornament in the shape of a tree. It was beautiful, glinting in the dim light from a lamp in the living room. But again, no tag to say who it was from or a note to read any kind of message. Leaning closer, she smelled something that tugged at being familiar, yet she couldn’t place it.

Frustrating, but something she’d have to get back to after dinner. She made it to Gerald’s on time, anticipating that they’d drive over to his parents’ together, showing a united front. Instead, she saw several vehicles in the drive and in front of the house that didn’t belong to him.

Nervous, she parked her vehicle and hurried to knock at his front door.

He whipped it open, smiled between his teeth, and whispered, “Go with it, please,” before kissing her and lighting up her senses.

She found herself inside and under his arm in seconds. Before she could ask what the heck was going on, he pulled her forward to greet his guests—as in, more than two. At least a dozen foxes stared with curiosity.

The delectable scent of turkey, ham, and venison wafted through the air, confusing her senses. Hunger and confusion went hand in hand.

Why were so many foxes here?

Gerald hugged her tighter to his side. “Sorry for the change in plans, sweetheart, but my parents decided to surprise us with an early family dinner.”

“Um, great.”

“Isn’t it just?”

She didn’t think anyone but her caught the snarl under his smile.

Dinner with the fox clan.

Not exactly what she’d had on her agenda.

Chapter Nineteen

A graceful woman a few inches shorter than Gerald approached. She had dark hair threaded with white and wore a fancy dress that looked like it cost more than Laura made in a month. Gerald’s mom—Colleen Winter. As icy as her name.

She looked Laura over with dark brown eyes that stung. “Great. More law enforcement for the family.”

The man by her side only smiled, the spitting image of Gerald in another twenty to thirty years. A very handsome fox with merriment in his gaze. “Don’t mind Colleen, Laura. She’s just jealous you’re not a businesswoman she can sway to the dark side.”

“Shut it, Doug.” Colleen sighed, but her distant expression was soon replaced by warmth. “So you’re the woman my son’s been so fixated on. I hear wonderful things about you, Laura.”

“Um, thanks.” She wanted to push the heat of Gerald’s arm from her, but his scent mixed with the subtle cologne he always wore went straight to her head.

She found comfort in his touch, and that annoyed her. Laura didn’t need a man to stand up for her. She could take care of herself.
