Page 16 of Sleigh My Name

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Cold air hits me instantly, even from this distance. Snowflakes float into the room, melting before they hit the mat. It’s all beautiful and magical…then I look past the open door.

White. Everything is white. I can’t see anything past the doorframe.

“The storm isn’t letting up. You’re not going anywhere.”

“You’re joking.”

“Unfortunately not. The plows haven’t even made it this way yet.”

Oh. I should be feeling disappointment. Being stuck here with Carter should be the last thing I want, yet the main emotion I’m experiencing is relief.

“I, umm…” My words trail off when I see two black blurs race through the white snow and approach the back door. I have three seconds to brace for impact. I feel my body stiffen, preparing for the dogs to jump up on me. They don’t mean any harm, but my fragile state won’t be able to take their weight.

“Sit,” Carter commands, and both dogs stop mid-run and sit on the mat. I’m smiling in delight at the dogs when Carter bends down to wipe their paws and fur of the clinging snow. When they’re as dry as possible, he looks at me for approval.

As soon as I nod, he releases them, and Figgy and Lola are by my side in a flash. Unclenching my hands, I bend to give them head pats.

“Good girls. Yes, good sit. Did you have fun in the snow?”

They definitely did if the speed of their tails wagging is any indication. I’m so distracted by the dogs that I don’t see Carter walk to the counter.

“Here you go,” he says, gently placing a steaming mug in front of me. With most of my attention still on the dogs, I glace at the mug quickly, not really taking it in.

“Oh, thanks,” I begin, giving Lola one last pet before straightening. My hip has started to throb from the uncomfortable bend I was in. “But I don’t drink coffee first thing in the morning.”

“I know.”

His words make me stop. Slowly, I look from him to the mug in front of me. It takes a second for me to understand what I’m seeing. It’s tea. And the tag reads lemon ginger.

“What the hell?” I whisper, very confused. “How did you know this?”

He shrugs, sliding onto a chair across from me with his own mug, which I’m assuming is coffee since the pot is simmering. “I’m observant.”

“Like hell.”

“What?” He laughs at my skepticism. “I am. One time when you stayed at Gigi’s and I came over with breakfast, I noticed you didn’t touch your coffee until after you ate. And you’re always drinking this brand of tea. I just put it all together.”

I hum, thinking about whathis words mean. Has he really been paying this much attention to me all these years while I’ve been trying to ignore the pull between us? If I had let my eyes linger on him a little longer one of those days, would I have caught on?

Wrapping my hands around the hot mug, I let the warmth spread through my hands. His words cause a warmth inside my chest, too. One that I’m not going to fight off anymore with sass or good-natured teasing.

“I had no idea,” I tell him honestly, my voice soft.

“I know.”

We share a look. A knowing one, and yet, I feel as if I’m stepping into uncharted territory. In way, I guess I am.

“So, what now?” I’m not sure if I’m asking how we move forward as something more than friends or if I’m asking about what happens after tea and coffee. Either way, I’m feeling vulnerable and need a little guidance. If just for a little while.

“You should call Gretchen or Noah and let them know what’s happening. Even with that beast he calls a truck, there’s no way he’s making it out here to get you.” His gaze moves downcast as he takes a sip of his coffee. “And I would like you to stay. If you’re comfortable with that.”

“Yeah. I’d like to stay.”

The smile he gives me is almost my undoing. I feel my throat tighten and my eyes begin to water. I’m going to blame my reaction on the aftereffects of my cold and not how much affection I feel coming my way.

“Could you, um, get my purse for me? My cell should be in there. I didn’t even think of charging it last night.”

Carter jumps up from his chair and heads into the front hallway. “If it’s dead, you can use mine. Though, I’m sure Noah would rather see your name on the screen than mine.” He chuckles.
