Page 9 of Ink Me Bunny

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She starts designing on my tablet, taking her time with each detail that comes to her mind while I rest.

The half-sleeve ocean theme on her right hand is calming. A yawn overtakes me.

My exhaustion has been unbearable lately.

Dean Walker: Sometimes taking a break is not a bad thing, Lenny, it means you listen to your body, mind, and soul.

Lennon Quinn: I just don’t want this to ruin everything I worked hard to achieve.

Dean Walker: It won’t! If you feel like there’s something greater out there that is calling you, don’t ignore it. It’s out there for a reason.

Her light touch on my arm subdues the gut-wrenching feeling—the one I carry with me everywhere I go.

The sound of the machine ringing in my ears most days is like a remedy. I got used to the pain, at this stage, it’s more soothing than painful.

“Work your magic, Lenny.”

Lennon Quinn: OMG! This is so magical.

Dean Walker: The app seems to work fine. Do you like that pattern?

Lennon Quinn: YES!

Lennon Quinn: This was such a great idea. I never thought letting someone else control my long-distance toy would be this incredible. It’s not weird, right?

Dean Walker: You agreed to it. I agreed to it. It’s consensual. Why would it be weird if you’re having fun and I have fun as well!?

Lennon Quinn: Keep going, I like that.

Dean Walker: I’m not going to stop until you come. Multiple times.


Izeroinonthe veins decorating Dean’s thick forearms while I’m sliding my hands into the black spandex gloves and start to sensitize his forearm.

His entire appearance is distracting.

A wave of heat is climbing up my body, I secure my bun with my scrunchie and tuck a loose strand behind my ear.

I had to mask my embarrassment after calling himMr. Walker. Walking next to his towering frame for an hour made me giddy in more places than others. And there was a brisk moment when a fireball danced between us.

Just thinking about it again makes me fervid.

I had my reservations at first but tattooing one of the best artists in the world is definitely something I never thought I’d get the chance to do so soon.

Everyone will see it.

His clients especially.

I can’t fuck this up.

He’s got a reputation to maintain.

I take a deep inhale, chanting a little song in my head to pump me up. Fine line is what I’m currently doing and I want to expand my knowledge, and hopefully, try some challenging designs in the future.

Dean excels at many aspects of the industry and performing this task under his scrutinizing gaze could be nerve-wracking to anyone.

He leans backward, delicate waves of his black hair scatter to different sections atop his head. The short sides of his haircut lead to the various piercings in his ear. A layer of dark stubble dusts his face and accentuates his sharply defined jawline and high cheekbones.
