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Mindy snorted a laugh. “Gus? No. I promise, he’s not an attack dog.”

From their time dating, she had always known that Noah didn’t really consider himself an animal person. His father had always insisted that they not keep pets, so he’d never known how to interact when he was around them. She had honestly figured that in their years apart, some of that would have ebbed, but Noah seemed even more nervous around the little dog now than he had the first time he’d met the pup.

Mindy gave a good-natured roll of her eyes before walking back toward Noah.

“Here,” she said. “Hang your coat up so you aren’t so stiff looking, and then you’re going to sink down and extend your hand to him gently.”

He did as he was instructed, and when he shrugged off his coat, she noticed that he was wearing a full suit. She shook her head and laughed.

“This is not a formal event.”

“Apparently.” He glanced pointedly at her sweats before bending over like she’d shown him, extending his fingers out toward Gus.

“It’s okay, buddy,” she said in a low voice, coaxing the nervous pooch closer.

Gus eyed her warily before taking a few hesitant steps toward Noah to close the distance between them. Mindy watched with bated breath as Gus began to delicately sniff at Noah’s fingers.

“It tickles,” Noah whispered, and Mindy didn’t miss the amusement now flickering in his eyes.

“Just wait,” she murmured, and the two of them remained still as Gus continued to sniff.

Finally, apparently satisfied that the man in front of him was a friend and not a foe, Gus’s tongue flicked out of his mouth and planted a sloppy lick across Noah’s fingers. He sat down on his rump, his tail thwacking against the floor as he wagged it and panted happily.

“See?” Mindy beamed. “You’re all clear.”

Noah stood, grinning at her and seeming more than a little pleased with himself as he told her he was going to wait in the living room. She made her way to her bedroom so she could get dressed, and wasn’t even mildly surprised when Gus decided to follow after his new friend instead of her.

She made quick work of pulling on her outfit, the red cashmere sweater, and the blinking Christmas tree earrings she’d told her pooch all about. As a last-minute addition, she swiped red lipstick across her lips for a bit of added festiveness.

Mindy walked back through the house, the sound of her heeled booties clunking against the hardwood, and found Noah sitting on the couch, playing tug of war with Gus.

“Looks like you two have become fast friends,” she joked.

Noah clearly hadn’t heard her approach because a look of surprise flashed across his handsome face, and he immediately dropped the toy. He turned to face her as he pushed himself to standing, his large hands smoothing over the jacket of his suit to press out the nonexistent wrinkles. His eyes widened a little at the transformation she had undergone in the bedroom.

“You look lovely,” he said.

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” Mindy joked, keeping her voice airy and light despite the blush that was creeping into her cheeks.

Noah grinned at her but didn’t say anything else as the two of them put their coats on and headed out into the snow. One of the things Mindy loved most about Snowy Pine Ridge was how walkable everything was. She always took the time to relish how picturesque everything was each and every time she left her house.

They walked through town, Mindy stopping to point out things of note as they made their way toward the town hall. When they finally climbed the steps to the large brick building, Noah rushed ahead of her to pull open the door.

They wereimmediately met by the sound of Christmas carols playing over the speakers that lined the walls, and the sound of everyone else in the room all chatting excitedly amongst themselves. The center of the large room had been decorated with long tables and chairs, and each chair had a gingerbread house “station” in front of it, containing everything someone would need to decorate the small house.

Louise, who sat at the main table, waved them over in greeting when they stepped through the door. The older woman eyed Noah with open curiosity, but she didn’t comment any further as she advised them to go ahead and take their seats and gave them a rundown of how the competition would go.

Mindy led Noah through the gathered townsfolk toward two empty chairs side by side. They nestled themselves into the space easily, and her eyes roved over everything laid out before her. The house was already put together, because the competition was going to be on decoration only. But frosting, food coloring, and tools for piping and spackling were laid before both of them.

A few people called out Mindy’s name as they passed, and she glanced up to see Valerie and Clark walking by to take their seats. She gave them a friendly wave before turning her attention back to Noah.

“I forgot to tell you,” she said. “Valerie and Clark have decided to get married soon. In two weeks, actually, at the annual holiday party.”

Noah’s mouth popped open in surprise. “That early?”

Mindy shrugged one shoulder. “They’re in love and they don’t want to wait. I think it’s sweet.”

“It’s very sweet.”
