Page 67 of Severed Roots

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“No one really knows what happened inside that shed, but I’m the only one who saw Dax and Ossian go in there together.” His voice began to shake. “They were pretty close up until that point, always scheming together and getting up to no good. And this was despite the tension between Sinclair and Aro getting worse. Aro was always Pops’ favourite, despite Sinclair being the eldest and the Chair of the Consortium, and Sinclair hated that. It had reached a point that they simply couldn’t be in the same room together. I always thought Dax and Ossian did well to not let their fathers’ animosity affect their friendship, but…”

“But, what?” I whispered.

“The next time I saw Dax was an hour later. I heard him before I saw him and I never want to hear a man scream like that again. I don’t care if they’re my worst enemy. I had nightmares about it for months, even years, afterwards. And if the sound of his pain affected me so much, what did the actual pain do to him?”

I waited for the answer.

“I’ll never know, because he’s never talked about it. He refuses to.”

I twisted to face him. “And you’re sure Ossian was involved?”

“I don’t know for certain, but he and Dax were like strangers after that. Dax passed it off as Ossian being shallow about not wanting to be seen with someone who was covered in scars, but I believe there was more to it than that.”

I turned my attention back to the rough sea below. “And so, you came out here?”

Rupert stiffened then released my hands and wrapped his arms around my front. “The sound of the waves was the only thing louder than Dax’s screams.”

Tears filled me eyes and one dropped to the floor while Rupert tucked his chin into my shoulder. “Are you crying?” he asked, softly.

I wiped my cheeks dry and nodded. He stepped back and turned me to face him. “It helped, you know. Being out here. That’s why I wanted to bring you. There’s something soothing about being surrounded by sounds and movements that are louder than anything your family can throw at you. This place was like a blanket. It kept me safe and dry while a part of me felt like I was drowning.”

I studied his face as he spoke. The blackness of his eyes reflected the raging sea below us and the moonlight cast his sharp features into shadow making him dark, enigmatic and even more beautiful for having borne his truth.

“Why were you so angry earlier?” I asked.

He stroked a fingertip down my cheek. “I wasn’t angry at you. I was angry at me.”

“Why?” I frowned.

He swallowed. “Because you trigger feelings in me that I can’t control.”

I arched a brow. “Why is that bad?”

“Because I’ve always been in control of myself. It’s the only thing I do have control of. All my life I haven’t been able to control the evil things the Thorn family has done, but I could control how I responded to those things. It took me a long time to realise that, and then I relied upon it. It was the only thing that has kept me sane all these years.”

His jaw ticked and his eyes narrowed. “But then you came along and lit all these feelings in me, and I can’t control myself anymore.” He stepped into me and cupped my face. “I want you all the fucking time.”

I quirked a smile. “That’s not a bad thing.”

His frown deepened. “It is when you’re hurt and you’re suffering and vulnerable. Sometimes, the way you feel means nothing, and I just want to be inside you. That is a bad thing.”

I stared up at him, my eyes widening.

“I wanted you the second I saw you in Minty’s flat, despite everything you’d just been through. I wanted to fuck you awake when I found you earlier.”

“Why is that b—”

“… without your consent for God’s sake.”

“But you didn’t,” I whispered. “So, you can control yourself.”

He sighed out a long-held breath. “It’s taking everything I have.”

I straightened my spine and braced for impact. “So let it all go.”

Even though I’d half-expected it, I was stunned when it came. Rupert grabbed my head between both hands, rammed his lips onto mine and kissed me violently. My back arched over the railing and the metal bit painfully into my skin. Above my waistband his cock drove into my stomach.

How long has he been this hard for?
