Page 53 of Billionaire Boss

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I noticed Summer fumbling with her hands as my driver drove us to her place. She had said little after Emma and Cillian left. She wanted to spend time with Void, but she was being stubborn and denied my offer to move in with me.

“What did you talk with Emma about?” I asked, not enjoying the tension between us. “Did she suspect anything?”

“No, but she asked me who gave me this hickey,” she deadpanned, showing me her neck.

“That was an accident,” I said truthfully. I don’t even know when I did that.

“Sure,” she said. “I told her I got a burn from curling iron, and she let it go.”

I hummed in reply. They invited both of us for dinner, but Summer had plans, and I couldn’t force her to join us, even though I’d love to have someone else suffer through the googly eyes of Emma and Cillian.

“Are you sure you don’t want to move in with me?” I asked when we reached her fake address. I knew Heather lived there, and she’d walk to her actual home. I knew how well and where she lived. That building was a complete disaster, and it wasn’t safe for her. But I didn’t want to prod too much.


“No, that’s alright.” She gave me a forced smile and paused. I stared at her, waiting, and I was taken aback when she leaned close and kissed my cheek. My skin burned, and I touched it as she said, “Thank you. For today.”

I nodded numbly and watched her leave. She kissed my cheek.

I cleared my throat and blinked through the brain fog. I called Rahul and asked, “I need to buy a property.”

“Dude, what the hell?”

“It’s a rental building and the living conditions are not good for the tenants,” I said, tugging at my tie. If Summer didn’t want to live with me, then fine, I’d make her move.

“How fast can I buy it and evict them to a better place?” I asked, hearing Void’s tiny meow in the background. Oddly enough, I couldn’t wait to reach home and spend time with the cat.

“Give me some more details and I’ll see what I can do,” Rahul replied, typing something in his laptop.

I gave him the details on the place and ended the call and wondered how she’d react.

* * *

Unfortunately, she didn’t take it well. All the other tenants were thankful to move to a better place, but she wasn’t. I didn’t enjoy seeing her sad or mull over her living conditions and decided to go out with her. As nemeses who worked with each other and occasionally dipped their toes in kinky sex. Nothing else. Obviously.

I don’t date.

I had to rely on Google to give me suggestions for good date places, but I cringed at hotels, bars, or something as stupid as going to the beach. Who the fuck goes to the beach on a date? You get sand every-fucking-where and if the sun is too bright, you smell like sticky sun screen, and if the weather isn’t good, it’s too fucking windy and ruins everything.

I finally decided on something and reserved our tickets, hoping she’d like it.

After a couple of weeks of busy schedule, I had invited her to our marketing meeting because her ideas were better.

We hadn’t been able to have sex because we always got interrupted by Void at my place or some employees at the office. It was definitely taking a toll on me. I had gone decades without sex, and I was fine, but after Summer, I didn’t think I’d survive two weeks without it.

I was definitely pussy drunk for her.

I faked a yawn when the marketing manager kept rambling on and on about statistics. I was at my limit when none of them let Summer finish. I was so close to firing them.

“Dave,” I said, knowing his name was something else. “Let Summer finish.”

“Oh, of course, but I just think that this—”
