Page 59 of Billionaire Boss

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“You came without permission.”

Summer gaped. “That’s not fair! Y-you didn’t ask me to ho—”

“It is fair, kitten. Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you since you were such a good girl being quiet.” I hummed and checked my watch. “I’ll ask them to pack the tiramisu. We might get late.”

“Late for what?” she asked, tapping her lips with the napkin. She missed a spot where the cream was stuck on her upper lip.

“Another secret,” I replied, leaning close and wiping it with my thumb. I licked it, ignoring the dirty fantasy of having her spread out in front of me right there as I licked cream off of her sexy body. She was too sensitive for that, and I was too possessive to have anyone but me see her that way.

“Let’s go,” she said, her voice breathy.

My card was already on the tab, and I thanked the server and dragged Summer away when she tried to split the bill. Like hell I would let her pay for anything while she was with me.

I opened the door of the car for her and strapped her in. We drove in silence, and I ignored her when she kept asking me where we were going. It had taken me two weeks to plan out the dinner and the carnival correctly to match with our schedules. I wasn’t going to spoil it for her even when she kept on pouting. Even though she looked adorable.

“We are here,” I said, parking the car and making her swap her heels with one of the pairs of sneakers I had bought for her.

“Why am I changing into sneakers?” she asked suspiciously. “I swear to god, Damon, if you are going to make me run, I will murder you.”

“Shush, drama queen. No one is making you run. Come on,” I dragged her along and walked her into the darkness, holding her hand.

“This is creepy, but at least we aren’t doing cardio.”

I rolled my eyes and said, “You are safe with me. You’ll see in a minute.”

When we had reached the spot, I sent a text to the employee, and they turned on all the lights of the surrounding rides, making us and the entire place lit up.

“Oh my… God,” Summer gasped, covering her mouth as she looked around, turning in circles as she looked at all the rides. Carousel, bumper cars, ferris wheel, mechanical bull, rollercoaster, and many more. “This is insane, Damon!”

I slid my hands in my pockets and said, “I’ll take it as you liking it.”

“Like it?” she asked with a huge grin. “I love it! I can’t decide which one I want to try first.”

“Take your time,” I assured her. “We have the whole night.”

“Really?” she asked, her eyes wide as she held my arm.

I nodded and smiled when she squealed and rushed to the nearest ride, which was a carousel with little horses.

I rubbed a spot on my chest to calm myself down. Seeing her happy made something churn inside my chest. I’d need to see a doctor about it. Soon.




I giggled when the merry-go-round moved up and down. Damon was too grumpy to enjoy the ride with me, so he stood in the middle of the carousel, taking pictures.

“I don’t remember the last time I went to a carnival,” I said, looking around and noticing it’s just us two. “Maybe as a kid, but it’d have been better if there were more people.”

“I didn’t want paparazzi posting more pictures of us and invading our privacy,” Damon replied, helping me off the tiny horse as I hummed and looked around the rides.

I had already gone on so many that it started getting dark. But I wanted to try one more.

“Let’s go.” I held Damon’s hand and dragged him to the Ferris wheel. The employee smiled at us, but Damon stopped me.

“I-I don’t think I want to go. You go ahead,” he said, looking up at the Ferris wheel.
