Page 13 of Zero Pointer

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“Nick.” I tugged at the hem again.

“Leave it. He’ll love it,” she said dismissively. “Now, bottom’s up and let’s go!”

“Already?” Alarm fluttered in no woman’s land between my chest and my stomach. “It can’t be time.” For all the hours it took to apparently be worthy of getting ready for a Kingsman party, I suddenly was loath to leave the dorm. “Let’s stay in. Take selfies and pretend we did.”

“You don’t want to disappoint your friend. Anyway, we have people to impress.”

The only thing I wanted to leave an impression on was my pillow.

“Alright...” I nibbled my bottom lip, remembering Nick’s touch and downed the tequila, proud when I didn’t come up spluttering with the after effects of shots, like death.

“Much better,” Elisse approved. “Let’s party until the sun rises.”

“At least the bird on my dress will glitter better then.”

Laughing as though my not-funny joke was the best thing she ever heard, my sister’s hyena sounds followed us out of the dorm and along the pathway.

I couldn't help the pit of foreboding that danced with the tequila in my belly with every step.



Icouldn’t shake thefeel of Chloe Duke from my hands. No matter how I tried to distract myself for the next hours, the shape of her was seared into my palms.

“Stop moping and fucking lift, brother.” Barclay Augustus Chesterfield, the marquess of some godforsaken corner of the British Isles with lands in France to match his pale complexion and mop of floppy brown hair grunted from the other end of the massive, solid oak table to pair of us attempted to shift from room to room.

“Surely someone else could have been about to help.” I strained my arms but the damn thing barely left the ground.


“Bitch boy.”

“Fuck me, you two are a pair of toddlers. Put some muscle into it.” Beau Bennett, the captain of the lacrosse team and head of the Kingsman frat folded his arms over his chest and watched us with the slightest derisive hint of curled lips. “Let’s see you sweat.”

This last was aimed thankfully at Barclay, not me. “Yes, sir,” Barclay sniped.
