Page 30 of Pyro

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Because if it didn’t, I didn’t know what I was going to do.

I was bone tired when he pulled into the compound. All I wanted was to soak in a hot bath, eat something and then sleep. Because come morning, I knew I would be back at it again. Mr. Montclair wasted no time shutting the engine off and escaping inside.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the man didn’t want to be around me. Too tired to care, I slowly exited the vehicle, stumbling a bit before reaching for the side of the truck to stabilize myself. It was then I realized that the only thing I’d eaten today was the breakfast bar he threw at me this morning.

I worked through lunch so absorbed in learning everything I could about his former wife.

Heading towards the entrance, I barely made it a few steps before I got lightheaded and stumbled again.

“Whoa there, Skylar,” Priest said, catching me before I face planted. “You okay, sweetheart? You look a little pale.”

“Just hungry. I didn’t eat today.”

“What do you mean?”

“I forgot to eat lunch. That’s all. I’ll eat something after I take a bath and check on Cameron.”

“The brat’s with Beth and Bailey in town. Come on, Skylar, let’s get some food in you.”

Not wanting to argue, I followed him inside.

Sitting me at the kitchen table, Priest headed for the fridge when King, Gunner and Scribe walked in.

“Hey,Sky. How was your first day at work?” Scribe asked happily, taking a seat next to me.

“Fucker didn’t feed her,” Priest growled, placing a bowl of fruit in front of me before scavenging the fridge again.

“What do you mean, he didn’t feed her?” Gunner asked. “I dropped off lunch for everyone at the site today around one.”

Priest slammed the fridge shut, placing cold cuts, lettuce, a fresh tomato, and pickles on the table. Turning for a loaf of bread, he added, “I don’t know what to tell you, Gunner. All I know was I was closing up the garage when I saw Skylar almost collapse. She was pale. Her blood sugar dropped. When I asked, she said she forgot to eat lunch.”

“Skylar?” King said, looking at me.

“It’s my fault. I lost track of time. It won’t happen again.”

I didn’t like the way all four of them were looking at me. If they thought for one second, I was going to blame Mr. Montclair for my failure to watch the time they were going to be waiting for a long time. The fact of the matter was I was so busy trying to make a dent in the work that I let time pass me by. Then I got consumed with Ellie’s box. It wasn’t Mr. Montclair’s responsibility to watch over me every second of the day.

If I had gotten up earlier, I could have made myself lunch.

My failure to eat was on me.

Not him. He already had enough to deal with.

It wasn’t his responsibility to feed me as well.

The man of the hour chose at that moment to walk into the kitchen. “Got visitors pulling in.”

“Did you give Skylar the lunch I brought to the site today?” Gunner asked.

“No. As soon as you left, I got a call from a client. I had to leave. I was gone for the rest of the day. Why?”

“She didn’t eat lunch today,” Priest growled, throwing some ham onto a slice of bread.

Chase looked at me and frowned. “Did you take a break at all today?”

“No,” I whispered, refusing to look at him.

“Why not?”
