Page 51 of Pyro

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“I want him arrested for assault. He hit me first!” Brian shouted, spitting blood on the floor. “He’s a murderer.”

“I’m sorry, Chase,” John McClure, the Rosewood sheriff said, standing before me. “I have to take you in.”

Nodding, I turned to see Skylar Rose, silently crying. I wanted so much to tell her how sorry I was, but I didn’t get the chance as the sheriff’s new deputy escorted me out of the club.

“You wanna tell me what that was all about, son?” John McClure asked, sitting on the bench next to me in a cell.

When I didn’t say anything, John sighed.

“Chase. I know you. Was good friends with your dad. Watched you grow up. What happened tonight?”

“Where is Skylar?”

“The young lady you were with? She is parking your truck.”

Looking at the man I’d known my whole life, I asked, “She’s here? She didn’t leave?”

“No, son. She was very insistent that Brian Matthews started the fight. She said as soon as the two of you took your seats, he came over to your table and antagonized you, creating a tense situation. Even threatened her.”

I smirked at that.

“What happened tonight?”

Sighing, I recounted everything from the moment Skylar and I entered the Country Club, leaving nothing out. When I was done, Sheriff McClure sighed heavily, as if burdened by the news. “That boy has been nothing but a pain in my ass since the accident. He can’t let it go.”

“What do you mean?”

“He believes there was foul play and keeps bugging me to re-open the case, but I keep refusing to do so.”

“Foul play? Ellie lost control of the car. We all saw the skid marks before her car went over the side.”

Sheriff McClure nodded. “Yes, we did. Even when we recovered the car, I made sure I inspected it myself. The car was in perfect running condition. But Brian doesn’t believe the report. He believes I missed something.”


The sheriff shrugged. “I don’t know, son. Your guess is as good as mine, but I know he’s not letting up. I’ve heard that he’s running for mayor in the next election and if he wins, he can make life really hard for me and your club. You best be careful.”

“I’m not scared of Brian Matthews.”

“McClure!” I heard King roar announcing his arrival. “Get the fuck out here!”

“Guess your young lady got a holdof your brother,” the older man said, slowly getting to his feet. “Until I can get to the bottom of this, I’m gonna have to keep you, Chase. I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright, John. I understand.”

Chapter Nineteen


Once the sheriff took Chase into custody, I wasted no time in getting his truck keys from the valet as I followed the squad car to the station. What was supposed to be a wonderful night turned into a nightmare.

Watching Chase being arrested and taken away in handcuffs hurt me terribly. He did nothing wrong. He was only trying to defend me and his dead wife. I still couldn’t believe that it was Ellie’s brother who approached us at dinner. I’d never seen a more hateful man in my life. The vitriol spewing from his mouth shocked me to my core. And the way he smiled menacingly at Chase, then me as the sheriff’s deputy took Chase away, sent a shiver of unease down my spine. Whatever game this man was playing, he wasn’t done.

After parking Chase’s truck in front of the station, I quickly sent off a text to King and let him know what happened. I knew King would want to know and would soon be arriving. In the meantime, I planned on seeing what I could do to help defuse the situation.

Entering the station, I walked up to the counter.

“Hello. My name is Skylar Hobbs. I’m with Chase Montclair. He was just brought in.”
