Page 55 of Pyro

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“Because I know.”

“But how do you know? Tell me.”

Taking a deep breath, carefully said, “I knew when I kissed you the first time out by the lake. Your innocence was apparent. I was the first man you’ve ever kissed. Wasn’t I?”

“Yes.” she easily admitted.

“Skylar, I don’t think you realize just how special you truly are. It’s refreshing. Like a sunny spring morning after a thunderstorm. You see the world in beautiful colors. You accept everything with a grain of salt. Your patience and sincerity make you special, sweetheart. And when I kissed you that first time, you showed me your light. You let me see the world through your eyes. So yeah baby, I know we’re compatible.”

“That was very sweet of you to say, Chase, but I’ve never been with anyone before. I don’t know what to do.”

“Don’t you worry about that. Right now, I just want to spend time with you. Get to know you better. Allow you to know me better. The other stuff will come in time.”

“And what if I don’t want to wait? What if I want sex tonight?”

Thank God, I had a firm grip on the wheel because I damn near ran us off the road. Righting the vehicle, I turned to her quickly and asked. “You want what?”

“What I said. What if I don’t want to wait? What if I want to have sex with you tonight?”

“Tonight! You want to have sex with me tonight?!”

“Why are you answering my questions with questions of your own? Do you not what to have sex with me?”

When I didn’t respond fast enough, she whispered, “It’s alright. I understand.”

Understand what!

What the hell just happened?

“Sklyar?” I barely said, worried when she turned to look out the passenger side window, placing both her hands in her lap.

“You don’t have to say anything, Chase. I shouldn’t have pressured you like that.”

“You didn’t pressure me. You just shocked me, that’s all.”

I didn’t know what brought this on, but it worried me. Didn’t know why though. It should have made me happy, but it didn’t. The last person I had sex with was my wife.

It had been five years since I’d been with a woman. Unlike my club brothers, I didn’t dip my wick into any hole. I was never one for one-night stands and such. I wanted the experience, the emotional connection with the person I was with.

And while I wanted Skylar, she wasn’t ready.

More importantly, I wasn’t ready.

I didn’t lie to her when I told her I loved her. I do. In the weeks we’ve spent together, getting to know each other, I’ve become very fond of her. I looked forward to seeing her, talking with her and spending time with her. But to add sex to the equation?

Neither of us was ready for that.

Pulling into the compound, I parked, shutting off the engine.

Neither of us moved.

“Skylar, I need to explain something to you.”

“Why did you do it?” she barely asked, never facing me.

“Do what?”

“Ask me to marry you if you don’t want to be with me.”
