Page 80 of Tainted Promise

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She took my outstretched hand, and together we walked to the kitchen. The simple gesture settled something deep inside me. And for the first time since finding Vanna at Aleksándr’s house, I believed we would be okay.



We madeit to the kitchen, where Cleo had prepared a feast. Covered dishes sat all over the huge island, and she was busy cooking more food.

Daisy went straight to her bowl, scarfing down chicken and vegetables.

Gabriel lifted the top off a pot, sniffing its contents. “Are we expecting guests?”

I couldn’t believe I was back in the house. From the moment I woke up in the hospital, I felt like the world had turned upside down. Like I was living someone else’s life.

I wanted nothing more than to be with Gabriel. But I was also still hesitant, wondering when everything would come crashing down around me.

Cleo didn’t look up from stirring the food in the pot in front of her while adding more ingredients. “I wanted Vanna to have a choice. She’s been through a lot and should have her favorite meal on her first day home.”

Her words loosened something inside me. I rushed over, and she looked up at the movement. When she realized I was about to throw myself at her, she dropped her spoon and stepped away from the oven.

We hugged like two sisters who’d been separated at birth and had just found each other again. I never could have predicted that entering an arranged marriage would not only get me a friend but a family.

Once we separated, Gabriel was there, putting his arm around me and kissing my head. “You good?”

I nodded into his chest, relishing the familiar feeling of his body against mine. I never thought I’d have this again.

He led me over to one of the barstools, then cleared some of the surface to make room for our plates. We tried most of the food, not wanting to hurt Cleo’s feelings. Since she was a fantastic cook, that wasn’t a hardship.

Cleo leaned against the cabinets on the other side, facing us. “When do you have to go back for your checkup?”

I responded after swallowing the meatballs I’d sampled. “I go back in a week, and if everything’s good, I don’t have to go again.”

Gabriel set his fork down. “I already booked you in for three more visits.”

“Three? The doctor said the one in a week is a final checkup.”

He sat stiffly in his chair. “I wasn’t there for you before, but I can make sure you get the best possible care now. I also booked a physiotherapist for the day after tomorrow.”

My mouth moved, but I was unable to form words.

Unaware of my shocked state, Gabriel forged on. “I also increased security, so let one of the guys know if you want to go anywhere. And remind me to give you the code for the new alarm system.”

Cleo was quiet, watching us with an interested gleam in her eyes.

I took a deep breath, finally finding my voice again. “I’m fine. Really. I don’t need all this.”

Gabriel turned to me, his expression pained. “It was my fault you went back to Aleksándr. Please don’t fight me on this. Ineedto take care of you.”

Noticing the tension in his neck and shoulders and his downturned mouth, I relented. “Okay. If it’s that important to you.”

He inclined his head, and we continued eating. When I couldn’t get another bite down, I pushed my plate away and leaned back into the seat. “This was amazing, Cleo.”

Her face lit up. “You ready for dessert?”

I patted my stomach. “I’ll be back for dessert. I don’t think I can fit anything else in at the moment.”

Gabriel helped me stand up, my stomach and back still sore, my movements stiff. But it meant holding his hand, so I didn’t complain.

He led me into the living room and over to the couch. “You want to watch something?” Grabbing the remote, he lay down on his back, drawing me down next to him. The cushions moved when Daisy jumped up next to us.
