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I push off his chest and stumble back, clapping a sleeve over my nose so I can take a breath that isn’t all smoke and hypnotizing sweetness.

“You can fight.” His full lips pull into a smirk.

Hunter sees too much. Hunter knows too much.

“Just give me a zero. I promise, I—”

Hunter lunges.

Quick as a mofo viper, he jabs my chest, and I can’t do anything but react. I dodge, automatically blocking, pushing the force of his punch away from me and dancing out of his range.

His eyes light with interest. And with heat.

I shift my feet, losing the fighting stance, but it’s too late.

Hunter moves again. This time, I brace, locking down my reaction, determined to take another hit and prove that the last dodge was a fluke.

The shadow of his fist brushes my face, but he pulls the punch. Squinting through half-closed eyes, I find Hunter way too close, watching like he’s already sifting through my secrets.

“I can’t fight.” I scramble away from him.

“Sure, Killer. Come on. I’ll take you to Finn’s.” He reaches to take my hand.

“Lead the way.” I dodge again, wincing when he smirks.

“Have you shot before?” he asks, leading me out of the gym.

“A few times,” I answer, keeping close behind him while so many alpha eyes track us through the hall. I can’t decide if he’s better than Atlas or so much fucking worse when he angles himself to block me, subtly protecting me from their looks.

“A few times?” Hunter quirks a brow. “Let me guess. You’re secretly an ace assassin?”

My elbow cocks to nudge him in the ribs, but I hug it back to my body before it gets any ideas. Hunter and I aren’t on the level of teasing.

We are not.

He leads me down a quick flight of stairs to a series of ranges where the muffled sound of bullets popping off echoes down semi-soundproof corridors. We enter a room where every lane is taken and Finn stalks up and down the row of trainees, correcting postures.

He feels nothing like the mischief machine who ground up on me in a go-go cage. Nothing like the alpha who slung me over his shoulder, petted my thigh, and fed me french fries with firey looks.

Darkness clings to this Finn.

More than clings. It’s inside him, haunting everyone he nears. An alpha just as huge as him flinches when Finn steps into his space, eyes more black than green.

Killing aura.

It should be the latest reason to stay away from the man, but I couldn’t be less afraid of Finn. I’m fascinated, watching every lethal movement. Because Finn is deadly.

It’s in every lazy, precise action. A casual violence that has other alphas cowering from him like they know Finn could snap their necks, leave them in pieces on the floor, and no one would even try to stop him.

My traitorous nipples harden, popping up to say hello dark Finn.

Bad girls.

“Finn. New student for you,” Hunter calls when the gunshots finally lull.

“Babydoll.” Finn flashes a mouthful of teeth, bouncing over and breaking the spell. Thank god. This Finn I can work with, because unlike that dark, temptingly delicious demon he carries inside him, he’ll never take me seriously.

I’m a game to him.
