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Her skull rings the submarine like a gong.

When she goes limp, I release her, letting her slump into a satisfying heap.

Never mind that I’m boiling and shaking. I give Noelle one spirit-cleansing stomp that turns her lingering moan into a dead faint. Then I stumble back to the controls

Have to get the pod into the water.

It drops agonizingly slow.

Five feet.

Four feet.


“Omega,” Dominik snarls.

His red silk robe billows open in the sick-humored breeze.

He stalks to me.

Eyes so dark, I see my death and worse.

“Stay.” His command locks my muscles, and my belly cramps.


He pads across the deck, giving me a full-on trench coat pervert view of what he’s packing. I’m afraid my batshit instincts will tell me to jump the only alpha within nautical miles, but they finally have a sense of self-preservation, because all I feel when I see his business is a double-shot of terror and disgust.

I’m barely standing, sweaty and pained, and the only reason I could fight off Noelle was her cocky overconfidence.

Dominik isn’t overconfident.

He knows he’s already won.

And, yeah.

He’ll beat me every time.

That’s why I cheat.

I bite my tongue so hard I choke on blood. My body’s hardly reacting, but gravity’s still on my side.

All I have to do is tip, letting my weight send me sailing over the rail.

A little heave and away I—

Dominik snatches my wrist, wrenching me before I can plummet.

My feet smack the side of the boat, and my already mangled arm screams.

“You’re mine, Omega. You were always mine.” I feel like a bundle of twigs, being hauled back up.


I don’t care if this kills me.

I’d rather die than let him have me.
