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“You’re joking.”

Finn yanks a lanyard from his pocket and flashes a glossy OCC ID badge that says PRIVATE GUARD.

There goes my plan to rat him out to campus security.

I take a cleansing breath. “Breakfast. Then I’ll show you where to register, and you can still make morning classes.”

“Hold that thought.” Orion lifts his phone. Finn peers over his shoulder. “This one?”

“Ooh. This one.” Finn taps the screen.

My anxiety ratchets back up to eight. It’s french toast stick day, and I’m not missing my chance now that I’m freed from the need to starve and hooked up with an unlimited meal plan. Also not going to wait around to play tour guide.

They can download a campus map.

“Meet you there.” I head for the door.

“Wait. Just ordering clothes.”

“Don’t let me stop you.” Must be easier to buy new when you’re heirs to a multinational conglomerate.

“And a phone,” Orion says. “What color?”

“Does it matter?”

“It’s for you.”

“No, it’s not. Don’t need a phone.“ Wyvern gifts come with tangly Wyvern strings.

“You could’ve called us last night instead of running.”

“Can’t afford it.” The phone or the call. I have a feeling Wyverns would want the kind of interest I’m not willing to give.

“Pack card,” Orion pushes. “Just spend their money.”

“Her tablet’s cracked.” Finn rubs his cheek on Orion, scent-marking him just to screw with me.

“Already in the cart. What else do you need?” Orion shifts on the barstool but isn’t half as distracted as I am, flashing back to the two of them together during the only peek of his heat I care to remember. The way Orion tipped his head back, blissing out while Finn bobbed up and down on his—

“Nothing.” Another cold shower.

Orion’s judgy gaze flicks to my duct-taped shower sandals. “Uh huh.”

“Gotta go to breakfast.” I keep walking. “I have a big day.”

French toast sticks. Ice cream. Maybe a gun battle.

“Wait.” Orion’s call holds me back. “Today’s socials were canceled.”

“What? Why?”

“Event security shortage. Hunter and Jett fired everyone on staff last night.”


“Lend me a phone?”

Finn hands me his so fast, I want to pet him and call him a good boy. If he were this obedient all the time, maybe I could keep him around.
