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“You done for the night?” Orion asks a little breathily.

“Think so. You?”

“Yeah. I’ve got homework.”

“Right.” I grab the dress and sneakers I tossed in the corner after borrowing a spandex outfit for pole. “Ready?”

“Wait. You’ll freeze.” Orion strips off his hoodie and drapes it over my shoulders. Then he pulls my arms through the sleeves, making sure I’m all tucked in before he zips me up.

I stand like a doll, letting him fuss because being smothered in his scent gives me the good shivers.

I forget I should be pushing him away until he lifts the hood, covering my eyes. “I’m still sweating.”

“I know.” Orion yanks both hood cords with a smirk, narrowing my vision to a tiny hole. Then he ties a bow while I try to smack him with the ends of his too-long sleeves. “Have to seal you off. You smell too good.”

“Shit.” Hunter’s low curse shatters the moment, his sudden, serious tone instantly killing the mood.

I shake free of Orion’s trap.

“Have to run.” Hunter jams his phone in his pocket. “Your schedule for tomorrow just got canceled.”

“Why? What now?”

“Bomb threat. I’ll text you if I have more info.”

“I don’t have a phone.”

“You do,” Orion says. “I’ll set it up for you.”

“Sure,” I agree, still stuck on bomb.

Am I seriously worth this much fuss?

“Yes,” the three of them answer at the same time.

Great. I’ve officially reached the level of Wyvern brain-fry where I start speaking my thoughts aloud.

Hunter disappears to handle the latest threat to my life, and then it’s just the three of us in the stuffy studio. Orion and I stand on one side, Atlas on the other.

Not the team distribution you’d expect.

Orion tugs the end of the sleeve that hangs well past my fingertips. “Go home?”


The tension in my sleeve tightens when we pass Atlas. Maybe Orion subconsciously tugging harder.

Caving the way I always cave for him, I stick out my hand and give him a squeeze.

He takes the chance to twine our fingers together, stealing my whole arm.

I don’t fight.

I need his touch because I’m busy worrying where this ends.

A bomb is too much escalation.

What next? Redfangs kidnap me in a helicopter?
