Page 183 of Redfang Royal

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I have zero memory after Bishop carried me on the plane.

Can’t afford to remember.

Four flavors of alpha cling to my skin like I spent the night rolling in Meadows.

“Found it,” Dutch calls.

I crack the door.

“What else do you need?” Dutch bounces as he hands over my lip-shaped cache, sending a family of eels fleeing for safer waters.

He’s five times the size of the kid who snuck lollipops in his pockets before draping his jacket over my shoulders.

Otherwise, Dutch hasn’t changed.

His blue eyes sparkle, just the same.

So eager to please.

My fingers twitch to pet his head.

I’m so far past pretending this pack doesn’t own me.

So screw it.

Let’s pretend I can still walk away.

When I reach for Dutch, he ducks so fast, his shoulder bangs the doorframe.

His golden hair is soft on top. Short and prickly at the back. I stroke him flat-palmed, then drag my nails along his warm scalp until I’m scratching behind his ear.

He moans, rubbing my palm like a greedy cat.

I’m done hoping my body will respond like an omega’s.

That ship is sunk, deep below this perfect nest.

All I can do is make Dutch feel good.

His shuddering purr melts my fingertips. “Mate. Fuhhhhh. Uh. Gonna come from just my ear.”

“Your ear?” I stop pinching his lobe. “Does that happen?”

“Mmm.” Dutch nods, encouraging me to stroke him between my fingers. “It will with you.”

His lust is liquid. Shining and smoky.

So are his beautiful eyes—wanting, trusting, responding to my smallest touch.

I drag down the ridge of his ear.

Dutch quavers like I’m stroking his cock.

Maple syrup sex sears my throat, and bam.

My shoulders make that creepy clench that forces me to snap away like I’ve been stung.

Dutch heaves.
