Page 81 of Redfang Royal

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Half an inch from losing a chunk of ear, Rod knocks back his sofa. “You want to start some shit, Salerno?”

I hug the wall before they start trading fire.

Big thanks to the crazy asshole who tossed knives at my ass during training.

The Bourgs snarl, low and dirty, but Tobias Salerno is too cultured to set down his bourbon.

“Don’t put our future mate’s pussy in your mouth.” Tobias’s dead-eyed smile triggers my gag reflex. “Unless you’re paying for a lick.”

Rod strokes a row of knuckle rings, but sits his ass down after a glance at the empty chairs. “Auction hasn’t started. Wait and see who gets a lick and who takes the whole pie.”

“Cigar,” Tobias barks.

I could take him in a fight, but the crazy buried in his authority kills my instinct to challenge.

When I offer his smoke, I clock the blood spatter on his collar.

Tobias keeps me hunched, making me watch him finger the cigs, but he’s not flexing power like Rod.

If he’s waiting for me to clap back, he picked the wrong guy.

My ego died when I was shitting in a bedpan, nurses wiping my battered ass, and Jericho’s smug cackles ringing in my punctured eardrums.

I’m not good at much, but I’m patient as fuck.

I know when to hit and when to run, and that sure as smog rises, rich pricks have the attention spans of mayflies.

When I don’t react, don’t dance like a clown, the alphas forget I exist.

After Tobias lights up, I back away, my calm steps not showing how fast my gears are cranking.

Have to get the girl.

One, before these assholes touch her, and two, before Bish and Jin rush the place to stop them talking shit.

I’m scoping my next move when the bartender signals. I set down the cigars, and he yanks me close enough to catch a buzz from his tequila fumes.

“Run this upstairs. Just don’t look at anyone, touch anything, or breathe too much.” He slides me a pink martini, then pops open a secret door in the wood paneling behind the bar.

It leads up a shady staircase.

Unless Nikolaj Redfang called down for the baby doll special, I just scored the omega’s location.

“On it,” I whisper-nod.

My shoulders barely fit turned sideways in the secret passage, but narrow means no guards.

Important to know.

“She’s close,” I warn the guys.

“Hurry,” Bishop urges.

Must be him and Jin pounding in my chest.

Can’t be me, this nervous.

Halfway up, a scent lassos my throat ball.
