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The treadmill timer reaches 30 minutes letting me know my cool down is complete. I step onto the sides of the running belt and wait for it to slow to a stop while I take a long sip of icy water. Next to me, Claire is doing the same. "Oh, my word, that was a good workout!" She is a bit out of breath and glowing red. I smile and nod, stepping off the machine. We both had that post-workout high, and Claire always got a little hyper straight after the gym "I feel great! Are you up for a little sauna session today? Maybe grab a bite to eat?"

I shake my head. I tucked a loose strand of my long, dark, curly hair behind my ear. I wiped the workout glow off my face with my gym towel. "Sorry hon, I can't, I've got two new clients I'm meeting with after lunch tomorrow and I really want to go through their profiles today and prepare for that."

My new publishing agency is my baby and I absolutely love what I do! Unfortunately, the past week I have been feeling like I was falling behind a little because we had a new neighbor moving in and it was impossible to get a lot done with all the noise he was making!

"That new neighbor of mine is driving me crazy. Renovations are still ongoing, and it's just been chaos there the entire time. So much noise I can't think straight! But this morning I saw the moving truck arrive, so I really hope most of the building side of things is finished if they are actually moving in today!"

Claire's eyebrows shot up and she did a little excited jump, "Oh wow, Gianna, I can't believe I almost forgot to tell you. I heard some mutterings around the office about your new neighbor. He is some billionaire and apparently, he wanted to move to the suburbs to escape a big social media scandal! He might be famous!"

"Oh, just what we need!" I roll my eyes "Another old money asshole thinking he owns the whole neighborhood. " I already don't fit in with the other neighbors, now some billionaire is right next door to me." It is frustrating for me. These rich, pompous idiots who live around me have no idea what it feels like to actually have to work for your own money. They all had it handed to them on a silver platter, while I dedicated my entire life to building what I have and being able to afford to live in my beautiful home.

I sigh and shrug my shoulders, "Well Claire Bear, let's just hope he keeps all his scandals to himself. I don't have time for rich boy drama!"

"Too true, Gianna, especially after that waste-of-oxygen ex of yours! Gosh, you do know how to pick them hey! Just remember the rule --- you aren't allowed to choose your next boyfriend. Samantha and I have to approve any new man in your life because even though you are the baddest bitch in the business you absolutely suck at choosing decent men!"

"Trust me, it is going to be a long, long, long time before I am stupid enough to be interested in any men at all!"

Claire laughs as we head towards the locker room.

I need to grab a quick shower and then shoot home to finish up my preparations for these new clients. It is so exciting running my own company. Honestly, I am really proud of myself. People don't always realize how hard I had to work to be where I am today. Lucky for me I have two amazing friends who have been so supportive every step of the way and continue to be even now.

Arriving home, I close the front door behind me. Every time I step into my home, I feel this wonderful sense of pride. It is mine. Not given to me, not some rich sugar daddy, not a trust fund --- just me and a lot of hard work.

Light streams in making the place feel bright and cheerful. I breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed that it was actually quiet. For a change! I hope it stays that way as I really have a lot of work to do.

Dropping my gym bag next to the kitchen counter I grab a glass of water and head straight to my little home office. Time to get to work!

Unfortunately, to my horror, as I sit down, and flip open my laptop the loud thumping sounds from next door start again. Followed by the high-pitched whine of a large drill or some other piece of industrial equipment. Oh, my word! I put my face in my hands and fight back an angry yell. How am I ever going to get work done under these circumstances? I want to march next door and have a not-so-polite discussion with this inconsiderate neighbor about how some of us are actually trying to work and can't survive off Daddy's money!

I lean back in my chair, running my fingers through my long dark hair, and sigh in frustration. Guess my work-from-home day was going to turn into an office day.

I reluctantly begin to pack up my laptop and files, slipping them into my favorite workbag and dart to my closet to change into something more office appropriate. I swapped my soft, comfortable sweatpants for a pair of light blue jeans, a white cotton shirt, and white sneakers. I do not have to see any clients today so I can get away with dressing a little toned down.

I run a brush through my dark curls and spin my hair up into a big bun then do a quick touch of makeup before heading out to my car.

The noise continues the entire time, grating at my nerves. I am normally such a chill person, but this is really getting to me. I can't even think straight through this chaos. In my car, I turn the volume up and put on one of my favorite songs to try and drown out the building orchestra my neighbor is playing. Noise pollution is a real thing. I wonder if I could put in a complaint. Isn't he supposed to get permission from the neighbors before he does this sort of thing? I guess he really just doesn't care.

As I pull out of the driveway, I spot an obscene sports car pulling up into the driveway. A Pontiac Trans AM Firebird. Who chooses a car like that?!? Loud, obnoxious, and over the top. He has money but he clearly does not have taste. Why isn't he driving a Mercedes or a BMW? Like all the other rich idiots who live around here.

To top it off there was a baby on board sticker on the back! I cannot stop myself from laughing out loud when I spot that. A baby? "Where do you even put the car seat!" I laugh out loud again, but then I see him turning to look at me. I quickly look away before I even have a chance to scout out his vibe and although I meant what I said I hope he did not actually hear me. Oh well, even if he did, maybe he needs a reality check.

I drive away from the noise and the ridiculous car trying to refocus my thoughts. I take a deep breath and put my mind on the work ahead of me. New clients, new business, exciting things happening, and time to get things done.



Iwalk out of the meeting with the architect feeling more frustrated than ever. Glancing at my watch I note I still have a few hours before I need to fetch my little guy from daycare. I could pop over to the new house and see how things were going there. Everything in my life right now feels so unsettled and the stress is grinding my nerves away. Trying to juggle work, the move, the renovations, and being a single dad is challenging, to say the least.

The architect had gone through some of the problems with me about the build. I have no idea how he did not spot the structural issues when he first drafted the plan! And now I have to go and check up on the builder who quite frankly was an idiot. They were all idiots. No matter how much money you throw at projects it still does not remove the idiot factor of basic human functioning. Hopefully, this will all be finished soon. I know the moving truck is set to arrive this morning as well and I want to make sure that they put everything in the correct rooms. My little guy and I will be staying in the house for the first time tonight and I want to make sure he is as comfortable and happy as he can be. I want it to be a special night for him. He deserves that. Taylor is a good kid. A happy baby overall. Generally, he sleeps through most nights without crying, eats well, and is pretty well-behaved for a three-year-old. But I know moves like this can be difficult. It is difficult enough for me and I actually understand what is happening. Being so little he does not really understand why we are moving and that all of this chaos is just a steppingstone to a much quieter and happier life. Well, that was the goal. I chose this area, out of the city, because I was tired of the constant harassment by the press, social media drama, and pretty much everything that has been going on in our lives these past couple of years. Both of us need change and the best way to do that is to move far away from the penthouse skyscraper we used to call home, surrounded by way too many prying eyes and nosy people. But moving to the suburbs was not without its own issues.

I cannot believe I have already had two complaints this morning about noise. Yes, people. We are building; there will be noise! How stupid are these idiots? It's not a permanent issue!

Everything will be fine. I am trying to reassure myself.
