Page 3 of Room Service

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Zina’s eyes twinkle with something that looks a lot like excitement. “Oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

“You’re not asking. I’m offering.”

“But what about your shift?”

Fuck, she wants to agree. I shrug. “I can call in a replacement.”

Zina gnaws on her full bottom lip, making the semi I’ve been sporting since the second I caught a glimpse of her, take a turn for steel pipe.

“It wouldn’t be a bother for your colleague?”

I think about the barista I just sent home. I’m sure the hotel manager will find someone to finish his shift. And I’ll make sure whoever it is gets a generous bonus.

“Nah, it’s no big deal.”

Zina is peering at me from under her long lashes, eyes gleaming, her full lips looking fucking biteable. Making my heart gallop inside my rib-cage. I wonder if she can hear its deafening beat. And I swear I don’t know how I’m resisting throwing her over my shoulder and locking us into my penthouse suite.

“If you’re sure…”

Her voice is just as throaty and enticing as I remember. A seductive rasp that trickles down my spine like a caress.

I wink at her, grinning broadly. “Let me grab my jacket.”

When I come out from behind the bar, I’m back in my three-piece suit, and it’s go time. Don’t fuck this up, Romano.




I almost fall off my bed, sitting up abruptly at the loud call coming from the dorm suite door. My sleepy eyes blink as I turn to the startling voice. It’s my roommate, Mynna.

Mynna Johnson is a force of nature. Opinionated and bossy, but also the funniest and most caring college roommate I could have dreamt to be paired with. She bulldozes through my quiet habits and forces me out of my comfort zone. It’s exhausting, but your girl needs that.

* * *

I grew up in a family of five, as the youngest child, with a seven-year age gap between each one of us. By the time I was eleven, both my brother and sister were out of the house. They were super sweet when they were around, but being alone with my parents for most of my life, I was never used to being very social. On top of that, I was identified as a gifted child. So between skipping grades and always having my neck buried in a book, I didn’t get much chance for a regular teenager life.

* * *

My mind slowly registers Mynna is talking, gesticulating, and overall being her crazy self.

“What are you doing? It’s six-thirty.”

She’s staring at me wide-eyed, lips parted in an expression of horror, making me roll my barely-open eyes, smiling. This girl is so dramatic.

Sucking my teeth teasingly, I reply, “girl, I was just taking a nap. You know, it’s been a week.”

Mynna shakes her head. “No, no, no, no, no. We can’t let them win, baby girl. Uh-huh. They drown us in projects and papers. And exams are not even here yet. Nope. We came to college to study and party.” She pairs her words with sassy twists of her neck and shoulders, while swirling her index finger upward. “Get up and get dressed. I’m not leaving without you.”

I shake my head, laughing. “It’s fine, Mynna. You go have fun. There’s this romance book I was keeping for the weekend.” I wag my eyebrows. “I’m gonna read a bit and go to the cafeteria grab me some dinner.”

Mynna’s eyes grow wider. Now I’m feeling a bit self-conscious. What’s so bad about wanting to spend a quiet evening?

“Zina, do you know what today is?”

“Uh, Friday?”
