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Well… maybe not, because another ten minutes after that we were rolling out the rug, both kneeling on it and lifting the feet of the furniture up to tuck it underneath. I couldn’t lift the heavy old sofa by myself and Alex came up beside me. “I know you don’t need an unevolved alpha male wading in for you, but in this case… here, let me.”

I sat up on my heels. “You know, sometimes that would be nice.”

He grunted as he lifted the sofa leg and got the edge of the rug underneath – well, that made my stomach flip right over with heat and desire. Then he gave me a killer flirtatious look that shot straight through my pussy, rippling heat down my thighs. He was so close I could feel his breath on my cheek as he spoke, “Huh, so you’re saying I’m unevolved?”

I leaned in even close to him. “Actually, you said that.”

He smiled and bit his lip. “Mary-Beth, what are you thinking? About this?”

“I think the rug looks great,” I said, teasing.

“I mean, about this…” He moved closer, his lips were almost brushing mine. It was electric.

‘I’m thinking, I need you to fuck me on this rug right now, Alex,’ “ whispered, low and slow and sexy, rght into his ear. “I’m thinking, I want you to peel these jeans off me, possibly with your teeth, then get your fingers inside my pussy and finish what you started on the kitchen counter.”

Electricity crackled between us at that. I couldn’t believe I was being so wild, but I loved it. He brought it out in me.

“Fucking hell, Mary-Beth, when you talk like that I…” And then his lips were crushed hard to mine, and his hands were undoing my jeans and sliding them down my thighs. As he did, I pulled myself up onto the couch. “We don’t have a kitchen counter here, yet, but this will do,” I said. I spread my legs open and pushed him away from me a little, so I could look at him.

He knelt up, breathing hard, and crushed his lips to mine again, his hand sliding up the side of my panties, his fingers entering my wet cunt, just as we’d done in the kitchen that first time. I gasped aloud and threw my head back. He started rubbing my clit with his thumb, like before, but this time there was no baby monitor. We weren’t going to be interrupted. As for any of the other reasons why we should stop, I pushed them far, far out of my mind and focused on the intense waves of pleasure that were raging through my body. I cried out loud as he pushed his fingers in and out of me, with firm, rhythmic strokes.

I pulled his head towards me and kissed him, deep and hard, and then, “More fingers,” I said.

He gazed at me, flushed with desire, and then kissed me even harder, thrusting his tongue deep into my mouth. He pushed more of his fingers into my cunt and I lifted my hips up to meet his hand. I loved the feeling of having my pussy really pushed open. I put my hand on his shoulders and stroked back his hair, throwing my head back again as the sensations built and built.

“You’re driving me absolutely wild, Alex, Jesus…”

“You’re fucking incredible.” His voice was ragged, slurred with wanting me. I loved it. I felt sexy and gorgeous and powerful and like a total goddess and… At that moment all the energy that had built inside me let loose, in the most intense, mind-blowing, earth-shaking orgasm. I closed my eyes for a moment as it tore through me. Then I opened them as wave after wave coursed through me. I found Alex’s gaze and looked deep into his eyes. I wanted him to see it all. How much pleasure he was giving me. The sex goddess in me at full tilt. The magic I felt, in his arms.

He stared back at me, intense, focused. We connected so deeply at that moment, it shook me to my core. Maybe it shook him too, because we slid down to the rug and for a long time we just lay there, breathing together, taking it in.



We lay together on the rug for a long time, and I realized that I hadn’t felt so close to anyone in, well, probably in forever. The way that Mary-Beth had opened her eyes and looked deep into me right when she was coming had rocked me, deep down in my soul. Something had happened between us that I couldn’t put into words, or even make sense of in my own head. We lay there just breathing together, me on my back, her tucked in under my arm, with her head on my chest.

My mind tried to give me all the reason why I shouldn’t take things any further. I pushed them all away. My mind could go jump off a cliff. My heart knew what it knew.

“Mary-Beth,” I said gently.

“Uh-hum?” She traced her fingers over my chest.

I was silent for a while longer. I wanted to get the words right. Words weren’t my thing, but it mattered now.

Eventually she propped herself up on one elbow and stroked my cheek. “What is it? I mean, apart from the obvious thing, which is that we’re meant to be taking photos in here right now, not… well, you know…”

My heart swelled with feeling for her. After her raunchy talk earlier, she was shy now, vulnerable. I understood. I felt it too. I propped myself up too, facing her.

“I… I feel…”

Then it felt like my throat closed. Where had the macho warrior of the football field gone? Yeah, I could take all the knocks and bruises to my body that the opposing team wanted to give me, but my heart, that was another thing altogether… Mary-Beth gave me such a beautiful smile that I felt a bit braver.

“I feel like I want to be with you.” There, I’d said it, for better or for worse.

I searched her eyes, more nervous than I’d been for years.

Her whole face lit up. “I feel like I want to be with you too.” She stroked my cheek again and I caught her fingers and kissed them one by one.
