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If that man thought I was impressed that he ran around after a football in spandex man-leggings he could think again. My brother’s dog could do that, for free (well, without the spandex, but you know what I mean). I snorted aloud, which wasn’t very attractive (go me) and said, “If you think you can compare running around with a football in spandex man-leggings for one hour a week with being a single mom, you can think again.”

“One hour?!” he yelled. It’s lucky he had such a stupidly big apartment, with the bedrooms miles away from the kitchen, or he’d have woken Maddy. I’d put that up on my own, by the way, while having to look at the picture on the box of the happy mom and dad helping each other assemble it. Alex hadn’t come and offered to help. He hadn’t carried anything up the stairs for me either.

He was still talking. He clearly loved the sound of his own voice. And he obviously had no idea that chronic sleep deprivation had left me with the attention span of a goldfish. “One hour a week! Do you have any idea what it takes to be ready for that hour?” he cried, outraged. “And of the huge amount of pressure on the starting quarterback – mentally as well as physically? The hours of training, studying game films, practicing plays, walk-throughs, the travel, the endless physio, bodywork and massage?”

Well, okay I was letting him have the training and travel stuff, but massage? No way! “Oh, boohoo, poor you!” I cried. “Just one hour of massage – EVER – would do me fine!” I was yelling a bit now too. The rum was kicking in (I hardly drank) and I was kind of enjoying the argument by then, to be honest. It was satisfying to get my teeth into something, well, someone. I’d been brought up so polite, and I didn’t ever get to let loose, not even my closest girlfriends. Not like this. It was so good to have an outlet for my pent-up frustration, and yes, let’s face it, downright anger at how things had turned out.

He opened his mouth to shoot right back at me, but then we both stopped, staring deep into one another’s eyes. His blood was up and so was mine. His scent was swirling round me and heat flared between us. And then, suddenly, I was in his arms. I can’t tell you who made the first move – I think we both fell into the kiss, into one another, at the same moment. Our lips crushed together, his fingers pushing up into my hair, pulling me into him. I pushed my breasts against his ripped chest and felt heat rush into them, the nipples stiffening in moments.

“Alex,” I groaned. He kissed me hard again, his hands on my hips. They slid down onto my ass and I gasped, pulling his body tight into mine. I felt his rock-hard cock press against my clit and I ground myself into him. He groaned then and pushed hard back on me. “Oh, Jesus…” He twisted his fingers into my hair, pulled my head back and began kissing my neck, hungrily, hard, biting the skin a little. I cried out – it was heaven, and heat pulsed between my legs. I felt myself get soaking wet as he lifted me onto the kitchen counter and pushed up my sundress. His eyes held a question, and I answered him with my gaze, and one word, “Yes.”

And then he pulled me by the hips to the edge of the counter, and he pushed his fingers up the side of my underwear and rubbed and stroked my pussy, moving his thumb expertly over my clit, making me cry out with pleasure. I reached down and pulled at his belt buckle, brushing his cock with my hand as I did, feeling heat shoot through me – I could almost feel it deep inside me. I wanted it. I wanted him. Right now. “I want you. I want you to fuck me, Alex,” I said throatily into his ear, and then buried my face in his neck, kissing and biting it, making him groan and bury his face in between my breasts, licking and kissing them, tugging at the fabric of my dress urgently, trying to get to the nipple, and then, fumbling with his belt buckle. He laughed suddenly and looked up, deep into my eyes. “I don’t know what to do first,” he said. “You’re incredible.”

It was a lovely moment of connection in all the frenzy and passion, and I found myself, guard dropped, saying very sexily, “Belt buckle. Then I’ll unzip my dress for you and you can get your mouth on my breasts properly.”

“Jesus Christ,” he slurred, as he tugged at the buckle, his other hand exploring deeper into my pussy now. “You are so fucking hot, woman.”

And then his huge erection sprang from his pants and he entered me- No, he didn’t. What happened was, Maddy started screaming through the baby monitor and I knocked over the abandoned glass of iced tea with my ass. Alex and I both cringed, and he stepped away from me suddenly, as the iced tea dripped off the edge of the counter onto the rug. I felt embarrassed, with my pussy exposed like that, and I pulled down my dress as I leapt off the counter. He buckled up his pants like a shot, grabbed a towel and started mopping up the spill.

“Who has a rug in the kitchen anyway?” I said, trying to lighten the mood, but he just scowled and pressed the towel against the pool of liquid dripping down onto it.

“You’d better deal with that,” he grunted, waving at the baby monitor.

“You mean, my daughter?” I snapped, offended. “Yes, I will.” And with that, I stormed out.



Waking up the next morning was like waking up after a night out drinking (not that I had many of those, but I’ve had a few in my time) and remembering the regrettable things you did the night before. I had that feeling as I opened my eyes blearily and reached for my alarm clock. I’d only had a couple of rum and ginger ales by the time Mary-Beth had come into the kitchen, but I guess they’d loosened me up a little, especially as I hardly drank these days.

Images flashed inside my head – her eyes, her breasts, her… oh, my God, her delicious wet pussy, and slipping my fingers inside her and then… We’d gotten interrupted. That had been a wrench, but it was probably for the best. No, it was definitely for the best.

I groaned as I got out of bed and stumbled into my shower. My cock had already been getting hard, just thinking about the night before, so I got into the shower, turned the dial down, and blasted myself with freezing cold water. That soon took care of my growing erection. My disciplined athlete mind soon took care of the flash images that still wanted to run riot through my head too. You’re too old for her, I told myself firmly. You’re her employer. You’re her dad’s best friend.

Yep, that one did it. It put her out of bounds immediately. I mean, Jeez, I had a daughter of my own. Kayla was a beautiful young woman, under all the grunge and attitude. I loved her with all my heart and I would lay down my life for her in a second. I imagined if, in a few years’ time, one my friends was having these kind of flashing-image fantasies about her. Hmm, yes. I’d want him dead. Immediately.

I cringed. But they weren’t even just fantasies I was seeing. It had been real. It had happened. The smell and the taste of her… Mercy. And the feel of her hot, wet cunt on my fingers. The sight of her spreading her legs for me, lifting her hips up towards my hand, willing me to sink my fingers deeper into her. Her eyes. The sound of her saying, “Yes”. Telling me she wanted me. I groaned and shut the water off. Then I got out and dried myself vigorously and brutally.

As I threw on some cargos and my favorite t-shirt, I told myself that the situation was savable. It just wouldn’t happen again. Simple as that. And Jason wouldn’t find out. Simple as that too. I strolled up the hall and walked into the kitchen, feeling completely resolved. But then, there was Mary-Beth leaning over the sink, in a ruffled electric blue linen dress. The hem of it just brushed the tops of her long, lean thighs – the fabric only just covered her pert, sweet ass for God’s sake. Yeah, of course this would be simple – so long as I never set eyes on her again in my life.

I froze in the doorway and cleared my throat loudly, already feeling my cock prickling with heat and desire as my eyes drank in the hem of the dress. I could just stride over there and kiss her neck, and run my hands down her spine while she twisted in my arms to unbuckle my shorts… And then I’d turn her back around and push her down over the sink and slide my cock up the side of her underwear and-

“We must stop meeting like this,” she said playfully, cutting into my delicious filthy fantasy. She turned and gave me a cute, lopsided smile. She was making up a bottle for Maddy with formula and defrosting some kind of fruit smoosh in a small plastic bowl.

Her defenses seemed to be down – her energy was different, more open. That made her seem even younger than she usually did – urgh. I tried to pull it together, striding into the room and saying something about issues with clogged pipes and Drano. But I was sure she could read my thoughts right off my face. The other thing I was sure of was that I owed her an apology.

I opened the refrigerator door for some OJ, took a deep breath, then turned to her. “Mary-Beth, I need to apologize to you for last night. That shouldn’t have happened, and I’m sorry that it did.”

Hurt flickered across her eyes, before she could hide it. “You’re sorry last night happened?” she said quietly. It was there in her voice too, the hurt.

My brain scrambled and my tongue felt tied. I wanted to say that I hadn’t meant that last night was bad or anything, or that I wasn’t attracted to her. I stayed silent though - I wanted to keep the formality and the distance between us. I respected her, both as a woman and as an employee living in my home, and I had to do the right thing. So, I didn’t say more – I noticed I was gripping the refrigerator door, though, and made myself unpeel my hand.

“I’m your employer, and my behavior was unacceptable.” I said. “So, I apologize. I can assure you it won’t happen again.”

For a moment, she searched my eyes, questioning, but I kept up the professional front, and reached for the granola.

Then she laughed, spiky and jagged, with anger underneath. “Chill out, Alex,” she cried, smooshing the fruit stuff in the bowl a little too hard. “You sound like you’re addressing a press conference. It was just a little thing that happened. No big deal. You’re making more of it than it was. But yeah, of course, it won’t happen again.”
