Page 44 of Always, For Love

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Ariel Hawthorne stood just before the bluffs, shivering slightly as a gust of wind swept through the crisp winter air. The beautiful wedding gown she wore hugged her figure gracefully, shimmering in the soft light that spilled over the sand. A delicate shawl draped over her shoulders, its warmth providing solace against the cold that nipped at her exposed skin.

"Are you ready, Ariel?" Oliver asked tentatively, his eyes searching her face for any signs of uncertainty.

Ariel took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of saltwater and a faint trace of smoke lingering in the air – a stark reminder of the recent fire that had threatened to consume her dreams. She had come so far since returning to Endless Harbor, rekindling old relationships and forging new ones, and now, she was about to marry Miles, the man who had captured her heart.

"Ready as I'll ever be," she replied, offering Oliver a warm smile, her eyes shining with determination and love. "I can't believe this day is finally here."

"Neither can I," Oliver agreed, his voice thick with emotion. He reached out and gently squeezed her hand, a symbol of their unbreakable bond as siblings. "Just remember to enjoy every moment, okay?"

Ariel nodded, her gaze drifting toward where her soon-to-be husband awaited her. Miles had been her rock, her confidant, and her partner over the past year, and she couldn't wait to begin this next chapter of their lives together.

As she prepared to take her first steps toward the aisle, she couldn't help but think back on her journey thus far – the pain of losing her mother, the heartache of her father's disappearance, and the joy of reconnecting with her siblings. It had been a tumultuous road to get to this moment, but she wouldn't trade it for anything.

"All right," Ariel whispered to herself, steeling her nerves as she grasped Oliver's arm. "Let's do this."

"Let’s," Oliver responded, his eyes glistening with pride and affection as they began their slow procession toward the beach. They exchanged a knowing smile, siblings who had weathered both joy and heartache, now standing side by side for one of life's most precious moments.

As they took their first steps onto the beach, Ariel's eyes met those of the gathered guests who turned, each face alight with joy. There was Darcy, his rocker exterior softened by the well-fitted suit, tenderness in his gaze, and Mabel, up at the front of the proceedings, already sniffling into a hankie. Charlie, her husband Kurt, and sassy oldest, Hannah. Little Peter, his shyness momentarily forgotten as he beamed at Ariel from his front-row seat. And on and on—so many people there to celebrate.

"Look at them all," Oliver whispered, squeezing Ariel's hand gently. "They're here for you, sis."

She nodded, her throat tightening with emotion. "And for Miles," she added, thinking of the man who had captured her heart and brought her back to Endless Harbor, the place she had once sought so desperately to escape. She reached up and touched her mother’s pearl and seashell necklace, whispering, “Ready, Mom?”

Just as they were about to reach the assembled guests, as her feet hit the shell-lined path, a figure appeared in the distance, and gave a shout. Every head swiveled.

"Is that...?" Oliver's voice trailed off as he, too, recognized the familiar figure approaching them. The air around them seemed to grow still, the world holding its breath as the figure drew closer, and father and daughter locked eyes.

"Hi, Ariel," Lee said softly when he reached her, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I'm sorry I'm late."

Ariel swallowed hard, not knowing what to say or how to react. She glanced back at Oliver, who gave her an encouraging nod.

"Hi, Dad," she finally replied, her voice barely more than a whisper. "You made it."

"Wouldn't miss this for the world," he assured her, his gaze never leaving her face. Lee turned to Oliver, and the moment stretched—now, it was father and son, and all the unspoken things that had to be put aside on this special day. There would be time, hopefully, later.

“May I?” Lee asked.

Oliver nodded, saying nothing, his eyes full of conflict.

Lee offered Ariel his arm, and she took it.

As they resumed their walk down the aisle, the guests' whispers grew louder, curiosity and surprise weaving through the crowd. But Ariel kept her focus on the love that surrounded her – the love of her family, friends, and the man waiting for her beneath the arch he had built with his own hands. Love, she realized, could overcome even the longest of absences and the deepest of hurts, and today, it would carry her into a new chapter of her life.

"Your mother would be so proud of you," Lee whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. "You look absolutely stunning."

"Thank you, Dad." Ariel's eyes glistened with tears, but she forced a smile, determined to make the most of this moment. As they began their walk, she could feel the warmth of her father's hand on her arm, a sensation she hadn't felt in far too long.

As they passed the rows of guests, the first delicate snowflakes began to drift down from the sky. They danced around Ariel and her father, sparkling like tiny diamonds in the soft winter sunlight, creating an ethereal atmosphere that seemed to blanket the ceremony in a magical embrace.

"Look, it's snowing," Ariel whispered, her heart lightening at the sight.

"Nature's way of blessing your union," Dad replied, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "You deserve all the joy and love the world has to offer, Ariel."

Through the flurry of snowflakes, Ariel caught a glimpse of Miles waiting for her, under the arch, his eyes warm and filled with adoration. The love they shared had carried them through turbulent times, and now it would bind them together for a lifetime. Next to the spot where Ariel would stand was Jill, and then Katie, both in floor-length, long-sleeved velvet dresses, snug against the cold. Oliver took his place next to Miles, but Ariel saw the imbalance, the empty spot, and her heart twinged for her soon-to-be husband.

As Ariel and her father reached the end of the aisle, she turned to him, her heart overflowing with gratitude and forgiveness. "Thank you for being here, Dad," she said softly, squeezing his hand before releasing it.
