Page 30 of When Ghosts Cry

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She was waiting for the question. “I get that you’re FBI and you deal with crimes every day and know that people we love can do shady shit but it’s completely different when they’ve actually done shady shit and then passed away. I wasn’t sure I’d even need to bring it up, I didn’t mean to spring it on you.” She meant to shield her, hoping that Lily would bring up Alex’s inappropriate pursuit to get her back on her own.

Vera pulled into the diner lot and shoved the SUV into park, turning in her seat. “I get that you want to see me as a victim’s family member and while Alex is that, he’s more. He’s a victim full-stop and that matters most right now for these few days. Don’t treat me with kid gloves, Teddi.”

Something in Vera’s eyes told her it went beyond not just sharing information ahead of time. Maybe it was that she was more emotional because it was Alex but something about the barely banked fear suggested another reason. Fear of being left behind or missing something maybe. She couldn’t say. “I’m sorry. I didn’t consider how it would be an ambush on you as well.”

A heavy breath dropped Vera’s shoulders as she pulled at the scarf around her neck, yanking it off. “It’s fine, just tell me beforehand next time.”

She believed her but she could feel an explosion coming like the tick of a clock. Whether it was a disagreement over something else Vera decided was non-negotiable territory or the tension that had been building since she walked into Ximena’s house, they were sprinting through a minefield just waiting for the soft tick of a timer that would obliterate the wall between them. She wasn’t sure what surviving it would look like for either of them, regardless of what she wanted.

“What do you think about the visit from Mrs. Malis?” She clenched her fist at the frostbite she nearly got from their skin-to-skin contact.

“I’m not sure. I can’t see why she is visiting someone so much younger, especially with Elaine knowing about Alex when no one else seemed to. I’m wondering what other things she’s getting info about from her husband’s job and whether he knows it.” She rolled her lips between her teeth, brows pulling together. “Lily’s surprise seemed genuine. The relief struck me though. I just can’t imagine Alex that way; being aggressive and not taking no for an answer.”

Teddi didn’t like having so few answers which meant Vera liked it even less. She liked control. To plan and execute no matter what aspect of her life it involved. She wished she could see her as an FBI agent. She wanted to see her do her job with the confidence that built up her entire life. It would be a sight to behold.

“I’m not sure but we’ve got the phone records to prove that he wasn’t letting go. I don’t think it was going to get violent but you never really know. At least, that’s my experience working with nasty divorce investigations.”

They were already ten steps behind and another surprise was the last thing either of them wanted. They needed a break, some good luck, someone to throw them a goddamn bone before anyone else got hurt. A nagging sensation deep in her belly told her the killer was just getting started. The community may be tight-lipped and being fed lies about how Maller and Grennan truly died but they had to care. Those were husbands, fathers, and neighbors now wiped off the face of the earth. Never to cross the threshold of their homes again.

“It’s just not who I know Alex to be. Or, knew, I guess.” Vera’s eyes avoided hers as she corrected herself. “But so much feels different. Maybe I was away too long. Everyone I thought I knew feels like a stranger now. Everything looks the same and yet it’s not. Like a mirage where the harder I try to get everything into focus, the blurrier it gets.”

“You mean just life in general or what’s been happening between you and Ximena?” She asked gently.

Vera huffed a sardonic laugh. “No, I mean with everyone. I can’t even get myself into focus lately.” Her voice trailed off as if her mind wandered to somewhere Teddi couldn’t go.

Before she could ask her what she meant, a familiar SUV pulled up next to them in the lot, lights flashing.

Chapter 13


“I thought I told you girls to go back to Fort Collins,” the Sheriff remonstrated. The rain had ceased allowing them to stand in front of the diner where the curious gazes of its patrons watched from the other side of the glass.

“Sheriff Malis, it’s nice to see you again.” He snorted and rolled his eyes, failing to return Teddi's sentiment.

"We’re just here checking on some things regarding Alex’s murder,” Vera said, rolling her shoulders back as exhaustion nipped at her. It only filled her with guilt since she hadn't done a single useful thing all day except keep Teddi at a respectable distance. A distance she was foolishly preparing to decrease before Sheriff Malis rolled up.

Malis tsk-ed disapprovingly. “I’ve told you, Miss Aguilar, the investigation into your cousin’s death is finalized already. And it’s not a murder so I’d appreciate it if you’d avoid calling it as such.”

Alex cut out his own eyes? He left his own body in the middle of the woods where he’d likely never been before? The desire to scoff was overwhelming. She took a fortifying breath instead.

Teddi took a subtle step between them. “I understand Sheriff Malis, we’re not here to cause any kind of trouble for you, of course. We’re just very concerned about Alex’s death. We don’t want you to feel as if we’re encroaching in any way.” She lifted her hands, palms out. “We just want to know what led up to Alex's death and I’m in a position to do that better than a civilian.”

“In this town, a civilian is exactly what you are.”

“We’re qualified to look into it.” Vera knew she should handle the situation with greater finesse but something about him crawled under her skin. It made her want to shove his face into the secrets she knew that he hid. She dealt with bigger assholes and got away without them ever knowing she was boiling inside. The job came first every time and yet as she stood in front of Sheriff Malis, she felt that well-honed control slipping through her fingers. There was too much at stake, too many secrets in Sylen that needed to be uncovered and yet she couldn’t help herself. “I have a right to know what happened to my cousin.”

Vera watched as his expression darkened, his bushy brows drawn over flat eyes. Rolling his tongue inside his lip, he froze. As if a thought came to him on a wish, his lips moved into a shape like a smile. Not a kind smile, not even a polite one, but like a snake finding a meal outside its door, ready to lick it to its bones. Vera suppressed a shiver.

“You know what? You’re completely right. I understand that you’re in a less-than-ideal situation. And maybe”—thumbs in his waistband, he adjusted his tactical belt—“I haven’t been the most gracious host. Wouldn’t want you leaving Sylen with a bad taste in your mouth, now would we?” His chuckle grated over Vera’s last nerve. “Tell you what, how about we meet here tomorrow and I’ll see what I can do to help you out so you girls can be on your way. We’re happy to send any additional information that comes along over to your business in Fort Collins, no need for you two to be squatting here at the old motel.” He went quiet, every minuscule emotion like a puppet act upon his face.

Now Vera knew who the motel clerk was texting when they checked in. The deputy doing a drive-by was unnecessary, the Sheriff had many rats. They weren’t going to get away with anything unseen.

Teddi smiled, her lips pulled tight over her teeth. “Of course, Sheriff Malis. We aren’t here to step on anyone’s toes. We appreciate any help you can give us.”

The words soothed whatever jagged edge was raised on the man for the moment, his gaze running over the diner occupants still watching the drama unfold. “Course not.” Slapping the hood of his cruiser, he pointed his forefinger at them. “Nine a.m. sharp. You’ll need to get on the road at a good time.”

They watched him fold his broad body into the vehicle, the neon sign of the diner gleaming off the windshield.
