Page 26 of Lock

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“Oh, my God. Shut up!” she said without lifting her head.

“You should look at the screen. You don’t want to miss this,” he said, laughing at her humiliation.

“I hate you,” she muttered. “I seriously hate you right now.”

That only made him laugh harder. “C’mon, I fed you, gave you beer, and let you watch porn on my TV.”

“Lock!” she shrieked. Her head popped up, and she glared at him before glancing at the screen, where the scene had only gotten raunchier. “Kill me now.” Her face flamed bright red, and he swore he could feel the heat of embarrassment wafting off her, whereas he couldn’t stop laughing.

Shit. Who knew the night would end up being so much fun? As Brenna hid her face again, Lock couldn’t help but feel they’d crossed the line from awkwardly forced roommates to some semblance of friends.

Friends who watched erotic movies together then retired to their separate beds to deal with their arousal alone.



“THIS IS INCREDIBLE. Really, Brooke, you guys thought of everything.” Brenna took in the unfinished space with genuine awe. No need to blow smoke up anyone’s ass to secure the job. The shelter would be one of a kind once finished.

“Thank you.” Brooke beamed with pride. “Oh, there’s Liv. Hey, hon, come join us,” she called to Olivia, who stuck her head through the recently installed front door.

“Hi, babe. I have some papers you need to sign,” Liv said before her eyes widened. “Brenna, hi! Oh my gosh, I’m so glad you’re here and that you decided to take on this project.” She dashed into the hallway with a squeal, not seeming to care that her designer pumps were getting covered in dust from the recently sanded drywall.

Liv was one of those lucky women whose style came effortlessly. At least, that’s how it appeared to Brenna, who never thought clothes fit right on her body. Oozing panache and luxury, Liv seemed like she’d be a high-maintenance snob, but her personality didn’t match her taste. So far, she’d been warm, welcoming, and not a bit pretentious.

It was a good lesson on not making judgments based on outward appearances. The more she thought about it, everyone she’d met affiliated with the club fell into that don’t-judge-a-book-by-its-cover category.

“Thanks,” Brenna said, accepting a tight hug from Liv. “I’m honored to be given this opportunity.”

“I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Did Brooke give you the tour?” Liv asked.

“We were just getting to that,” Brooke said. “But now we can do it together, and then we can head over for a drink at the clubhouse while we chat. Sound good?” She focused on Brenna, whose stomach flipped at the thought of entering the MC’s lair.

As uncomfortable as the idea made her, she wasn’t about to piss off her new clients on the first day. “Sure. That sounds perfect.” Hopefully, she did an adequate job swallowing her nerves, and her voice didn’t sound as uncertain as her head felt.

Liv chuckled. “Don’t worry. It’s not nearly as scary as your face thinks it is.” She winked.

So much for my acting skills.

Brooke looped her arm through Brenna’s and began to lead her down the hallway. “Promise you don’t have anything to worry about. You’re one of us now.”

One of them.

The statement had her mind drifting to the previous night, where she’d embarrassed herself beyond reason in front of Lock. What the hell was she thinking talking about her unfulfilled desires and pitiful sex life? Then, to go and choose the sexiest movie on earth?

Humiliation to the max. Maybe she could have withstood her own stupidity if Lock didn’t tempt her on every level, but every time the man came near, her stomach fluttered, her heart tap-danced, and other parts of her body went haywire—parts she tried not to think about too hard due to that pitiful sex life.

The biggest problem resulting from last night was the realization that she liked Lock. Really liked the man. The physical attraction was one thing, and something she could handle since there was no way he’d feel the same about her, but to like him? Enjoy spending time with him, listening to him talk, sharing laughs and stories? That had disaster written all over it.

For God’s sake, she’d had so much fun with the man she’d been reluctant for the night to end.


Fun led to wanting to be around him more, which led to connecting with him, which led to vulnerability, emotions, and eventual pain.

“Okay, here’s the kitchen…” Brooke interrupted her downward spiral of severe negative thinking.

“Oh, wow, it’s huge.” The cabinets were in, but not the countertops, and the kitchen space was more than large enough to hold a dozen women without feeling overcrowded.
