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“Look, I have to go. But maybe I can keep an eye out for another house for Stacy to live in.”

“Mark. She needs you.”

“Let me think about it.”

“You don’t have much time. School’s out here at the end of May. That’s four weeks.”

“All right. I’ll keep an eye out for some other place.”

“Get a room ready for her. Please? After all, you want to be a good example to your nieces.”

He did. That was the one big regret about the marriage that didn’t work out. There had been no children, and he’d always loved having his nieces. He hoped that someday he’d get married again and have kids of his own, but that ship had sailed. A man in his early fifties was too old to start having children.

He was probably too old to think about any kind of romance either. But...he’d always held out hope that there was still someone out there for him.

Lord? I’m waiting.

He thought he’d been waiting patiently. But he would’ve thought that God would have brought someone around by now.

He supposed since He hadn’t, he might as well face the fact that He probably wasn’t going to.

Sighing, he turned and went back to the diner. Last week’s special had been so popular that Griff was making the same food again today.

Mark would get two meals, take them to the inn, and talk to Pam, who, as far as he knew, still did not have a solution to her problem either. They could commiserate together.

Chapter 5

Pam walked around the inn, a notebook in her hand, the list she’d made already longer than two pages as she continued to think of the things that she needed to do.

This was too big of a job for her. She had no idea what she was thinking when she thought that she could just buy an inn and fix it up and start making money with it.

It was the dumbest thing she’d done in a long time. Since she’d gotten married and thought her husband would love her forever.

Plus, she missed the kids at school. Missed seeing them every day. Missed the knowledge that she was touching the future by encouraging young minds, teaching them things they would use for the rest of their lives, watching as understanding dawned and the smiles spread across their faces as they mastered a difficult concept or managed to pass a test they thought they were going to fail.

She resented the fact that she’d been basically forced into resigning, rather than getting fired.
