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Chapter 8

“I’m pretty sure that was the shortest wedding ceremony ever,” Mark said, laughing to himself at how crazy the morning had been.

“It’s kind of funny our pastor got called away to be at the bedside of a family member, and he had a friend come up to do it. But then he got called away too.”

“Thankfully he married us before he left. Or we’d still be wandering around trying to figure out what to do, where we could find a preacher, or if our wedding day wasn’t actually going to be our wedding day.”

“It was a crazy day all right. I suppose it’ll be memorable just because of the brevity. I’m pretty sure he missed about half of the vows.”

“I said them in my head.”

Normally she would have laughed at that remark, but there was a serious note in Mark’s voice that made her think that maybe he actually did mean that.

“I did too,” she said, and that was true.

“I think the important thing is that you agree to obey me. As long as you said that one, then we’re good.”

“Whoops. I forgot that one.” She grinned.

“That’s it. I need to go get my money back. I got cheated.”

“I’m pretty sure I paid, because someone forgot his wallet.”

“Oh. Forgot that too. But that’s okay, because I’m buying supper.”

“That’s awesome. You mean I don’t have to cook on my wedding day?”

“I heard that Griff was making his smoky kicky Italian sausage pasta again, and it seems like we have that on all the important occasions in our relationship—”

“We had it once.”

“Well, it was the day that we first thought about getting married. That’s pretty much all the important occasions in our relationship, right?”

“I’m pretty sure that we had other important times.”

“In our friendship. But this is more important than friendship. This is...a relationship.”

She laughed outright. He said it like there was a difference. Like he was going to explain to her what a relationship was.

“You know what, I think that this conversation is going to be way too frustrating for me to continue with. Especially if you’re going to explain to me what a relationship is.”

“I’m offended.”

“I think as long as you get food in your stomach, you’ll forget that you’re offended.”

“And I think you know me a little too well.”

“However, you did say that we would spend the rest of the day researching people who might be donors for the school and trying to figure out who in the world we need to contact in order for us to move forward with the building. We’re going to need an architect, and I think it might be a good idea to just hire a firm who does everything. It’s such a huge project. It might be really hard to piecemeal it together.”

“I’m in total agreement with that. I’m also going to have to call my sister. I’d like to announce the news of our happy nuptials, so I don’t get unpleasantly surprised by a visit and a visitor.”

She laughed. “I suppose I should call my mom.”

He pulled into the drive on the opposite side that she was used to. There hadn’t been too many occasions where she and Mark had driven around together, and this was something that she was going to have to get used to.

“All right then, we’ll spend a few hours working, and then we’ll take a break and eat, and make our phone calls.”

The afternoon went by quickly. She had to admit that Mark made everything more fun. Even research. They found several firms that would be able to do exactly what they needed them to, and two of them promised to come out and look at the property and give them quotes.
