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“All right. Let me be more specific. I want Griff to cook for me. She can have him all the other times, I just want Griff in my kitchen.”

They laughed, but Pam had to say, “You know, Mark isn’t a bad cook. Actually, he’s pretty good.”

“Griff has me beat with all the strawberry recipes, but I’m pretty sure I can make bread better than he can.”

“You know what. That’s true. Your bread is really awesome, although your rolls are even better. I could get fat on your rolls.”

“You can use a little bit of meat on your bones,” Mark said, and she laughed, because that wasn’t the slightest bit true. She already had a little extra meat on her bones and could stand to lose some. But it was sweet of him to say so.

“Maybe I’ll have to make some soon,” he said, and the way he looked at her when he said it made her heart smile. Like he was going to do it just because he realized that she liked them, and he wanted to make her happy.

If that wasn’t what a real relationship was supposed to be about, she didn’t know what else it could be.

Chapter 13

“Hey, guys, congratulations!” Chi said as she brought out a tray filled with strawberry crumb cake. “We heard that you two got married yesterday, and Griff actually made a cake this morning. We’ve been slammed all day, but I had every intention of walking it up to your house and getting it to you.” She set the strawberry crumb cake on the table, then leaned in like she was telling them a secret. “I have to tell you, this stuff is amazing. Your taste buds will feel like they’ve died and gone to heaven. It is fabulous.” She emphasized the last word.

Mark smiled at her excitement. He liked to eat as well as the next person, but sometimes he just didn’t understand how excited women got over food. But Chi had made Pam happy, if her excited smile and the way she clapped her hands together like a little kid at Christmas was any indication.

He just looked at her. Caught up in the unaffected way she was real and genuine. She didn’t pretend to be happy. She didn’t watch how she smiled or how she turned her head to put herself off to the best advantage. He doubted she’d even spent any time in the mirror looking at those kinds of things. She just...was Pam. And what she said, she meant.

That was one of the things he loved about her. The fact that she didn’t sit around thinking about how she wanted to act. She was naturally kind and considerate, and it came out in everything that she did. She didn’t try to conform to society’s idea of what a “cool” or suave person did.

He’d been around folks like that. Folks who weighed every word, concerned that they were going to be considered lame and that society would reject them.

But Pam wasn’t concerned about society. Her concern was what God thought of her. Mark admired that. It made a big difference in how she acted and how she interacted with people.

“Look at that. Now that is the look of a man who is in love.” Chi turned to him, and he startled, realizing that he had been staring at Pam, and he probably did have that look on his face. The look that he really didn’t realize he might have been giving to Pam for a while. Because, as he thought about it, he’d been feeling this way for quite some time.

“That’s a good thing. Good thing we’re married. Good thing I can look at my wife like that.” He didn’t bother to deny it. There was no point.

Her shining eyes had turned to him, and Chi’s observation had made her glow, and then his words on top of it had made her smile turn up even more.

It made his heart happy to see Pam looking so happy.

“Oh, you two are just too cute. Anyway, congratulations on your marriage. This is from Griff and me. Although he made the cake, it was my idea. So we both get credit, right?”
