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But he didn’t want to tell her that he loved her. She might take it wrong. Or maybe that was taking it right, and she’d know he was romantically interested in her. But she was too young, and he was too old, and he was leaving in the fall anyway.

“Of course I trust you. Who else would I get to do it? I can’t think of anyone in the world I would trust more than I trust you. How long have you been taking care of Davis’s horses and you haven’t killed even one.”

He had to add that last line on, just to put some humor in the situation and keep it from getting too serious. He didn’t want her to know that he struggled with the feelings that he did.

Becky and he were destined to be always friends, never more. And he wanted to make sure that things didn’t end up being awkward. After all, Becky would be a good and loyal friend for the rest of his life.

“That’s true. It’s been three years, I think. More. And yeah, I’m taking care of them all, and he always says I do a good job.”

“Plus, Cinders and Ashes love you. And they’re familiar with you.”

“Did you decide whether you’re going to breed them or not?”

They finished unhooking the carriage, and he flipped the long traces over the back of

Ashes on the near side before he went up to untie them and lead them into the barn where he would remove the harness.

Becky waited for him, following along behind in case the traces came off.

Once they had the gentle giants tied up in the barn, they worked together unhooking them, beginning with the ties that held them together before they took each individual harness. As they worked, he answered her question.

“I was thinking about doing it this winter. Or maybe late fall. So they have their babies after the tourist season is over, and the foals will be ready to wean before the worst of the tourist season starts in the spring.”

“That would be good timing.”

“Yeah. I even have a stallion in mind. Cord has a big gray stud that is just drop-dead gorgeous, is a little taller than my girls, and he sires really great foals. Cord said since we bought Cinders and Ashes from him as well as the carriage, he’d give us a discount on the stud fee.”


“Well, I’m working around my schedule, but it might not be the best schedule for my girls. You know, having a foal in late fall isn’t ideal. And they might not even come into heat.”

“Is it dependent on the light or something?”

“A little, I think. I need to read up on it more. Breeding is a pretty big deal, but Cord said he and his wife would even come in for foaling if I wanted him to.”

“It’s so nice to have someone who is willing to give their time and expertise to help you get started.”

“That’s part of the reason that I chose to go to college in North Dakota. I’ll be closer to him. Just a few hours away. He... He said I could come out to his ranch on holidays and weekends if I’d like. He said he’d put me to work.”

Rodney laughed a little. Cord and his wife had been so kind and helpful to him. They nurtured his love of horses and encouraged him in his efforts to learn more.

His parents had never been supportive, and he kind of shoved the idea of horses aside when he had been growing up.

It was nice to have people who saw that he had potential and encouraged him to nurture that.

He tried to do that with Becky. Not just because he liked her, not just because it was the right thing to do, but to pass on what other people had given to him. Also because he liked her. He truly wanted to see her succeed.

She loved horses too. It was something they had in common. Now more than ever. Although he had gotten her her first job at the stable.

“Are you serious about wanting me to take care of your horses while you’re in college?”

“I sure am. You’re already doing it for Davis. There’s whole weeks that he doesn’t go down to the stable because you have everything in hand.”

“He calls me his stable manager, and I just give him a weekly report. I suppose he goes down when I’m not around, but it’s true that he lets me handle everything. Even the bookings now.”

“I’ll have you do that for me too. I’m working on getting the website set up along with some QR codes so that people can book online, and you won’t get very many calls.”

“I couldn’t do it while I was in school. Although, they let me out two hours early so that I can go to my job. They call it a work-study thing, and I actually get credit for it. Everyone else has to stay in study hall.” She grinned.
