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There was something...intimate about wearing Mark’s clothes. She’d seen him wear these things a hundred times. She picked the T-shirt out because it was her favorite. It was worn into a soft, almost silky feel, and although she thought it looked far better on him than it did on her, she loved it.

The sweats were his favorite, but they were also the smallest ones he had. They fit her better than anything else.

She had to admit, she understood why they were his favorite. They were extremely comfortable.

Thankfully, she did not see Paulette as she walked down the hall and turned to go in Mark’s room.

The door was closed, and she almost knocked, but that would have been weird, especially if Paulette had happened to step out in the hall at that point in time.

Mark stood with his back to her, his shirt off, but still wearing pants, thankfully.

He dug through his T-shirt drawer and pulled a shirt out as she stepped in.

He turned around with his second favorite green shirt in his hand.

“All done?” he said, probably needlessly, which was a little bit weird, since they didn’t usually have a whole lot of extra unnecessary words between them.

She nodded. Not really trusting her voice to speak.

He grinned. “You look far better in that T-shirt than I do.”

She laughed. “And I was thinking the opposite. You fill it out much better than me.” She hurried on, not wanting any more comments about who filled out what. It was a little bit...too close to things that friends didn’t say to each other. “I left my dirty clothes in the bathroom. I... I’ll get them tomorrow.”

“Sure. Or I’ll wash them. Whatever.” He shrugged, walking over with his clothes in his hands. “I’ll take a quick shower, and then I’ll be right back. I know you’re probably tired and want to get to bed.”

“Yeah. If you don’t mind, I’ll probably get in and read on my phone until you get back.”

“That’s perfect.”

For some reason, her feet wouldn’t move, and he’d ended up stopping in front of her. Her mouth was dry, and she had trouble sucking in air. Where had all the oxygen gone?


The way he said her name sent a shiver down her spine.


“Are you okay? We can do something different if this is bothering you. People that are married don’t always share rooms.”

“No. We want this to be believable.” She tried to lick her lips, but it was impossible as dry as her mouth was.

“True. But making it believable is secondary to me to making you comfortable.”

“I appreciate that. You’re always thinking about me, and I can’t ask for more.” She tried to smile, but it was wobbly.

“What’s up?” The clothes dropped to the floor as his hand came up to touch her cheek.

“I don’t know. I... I just...don’t want to ruin anything that we have. You know?”

Something crossed over his face. Some emotion she couldn’t name, but he nodded. Even as his hand trailed down her cheek.

“I’ve been thinking the same thing. I... I can’t say that I mind anything that we’ve been doing, but I cherish our friendship too much to allow this marriage thing to get in the way of that. But I was also thinking that our relationship has been so solid that I think it can withstand this. As long as we’re careful.”

“I think you might be right. I hope you are. I just feel so comfortable with you. Except now. I feel a little...vulnerable. It’s not an uncomfortableness as much as it’s a...”

“Fear?” He lifted his brows, searching her face as though trying to find the answer there.

She laughed at how silly she was being. “I’m old.”
