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He had grabbed a loaf of bread from her apartment, since they’d used the last of his for sandwiches the day before, and he also had a package of frozen sausage and one of bacon.

He and Pam worked together while their families chatted in the kitchen, with them joining in.

It felt good and cozy, and even Lynn behaved herself.

He couldn’t believe that they’d never considered combining their families before. Never considered getting married. But the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. He had been the blindest man on the planet.

He put a hand on Pam’s back as he waited for the next pieces of toast to pop up.

She lifted her head and looked at him. “It’s kind of crazy in here this morning,” she said low, underneath the chatter of the rest of the ladies in the kitchen.

“I kinda like it. It’s our families, blended. Why haven’t we done this before?”

She knew what he was talking about. There had been lots of times where everyone had been together, although Lynn and Paulette weren’t always around. But oftentimes when he had his nieces, her girls were there, and the girls were almost like sisters.

They fought like sisters, but they also loved each other and got along like sisters as well.

“I don’t know. After all, how could I not notice that you’re gorgeous.” She said that with a little bit of ironic humor in her voice.

“I think we already had this discussion. I told you last night I’m an old man.”

“And I told you last night I didn’t care.”

Her face was sincere, and he believed her completely. Not that he didn’t the first time, but it was obvious from the way she spoke that she meant every word. She didn’t care. She felt the same way about him that he did about her. It wasn’t about his appearance or about his age, whether he was old or not. It was about him. Whatever she saw in him that she felt was worth admiring. Or possibly loving. Could he be that blessed?

“All right, you two. Tell us your story. When did you guys figure out that you were perfect for each other?”

“When did you decide to get married? And why didn’t you tell us?” Ginger added.

“Well,” Pam said as she grabbed the spatula and stirred the sausage in the skillet. “I think we were just talking one evening, and we never really thought about ourselves as anything other than friends.”

“I know I sure didn’t. But marriage just seemed like a logical step.”

“Come on. What about stars and romance and slow dancing and—”

“Lots of kisses!” Hilda said with a laugh.

“I think Mark and I have always had a solid friendship. And that’s what we’ve built this on. It’s more than just kissing and all of the romantic things you see in movies. It’s...”

“Trust and admiration and the fact that I know that she has character. That she keeps her word.”

“That he’s not going to cheat on me or leave me.”

She said that with such conviction that he had to put his hand on her waist again. Just to give her that reassuring touch. She’d been cheated on; she’d been treated badly by her first husband. The fact that she would go into a marriage with him, not afraid of those things, trusting him, made him feel like she’d given him a gift that was priceless.

“What? I know I can. Trust you that is.”

“And she has the kind of character that I’ve always admired. She’s compassionate and kind. She’s determined to do her very best, wherever she is. And she sticks with her convictions.”

“I wish you wouldn’t stick so hard. She threw away a perfectly good job, with excellent retirement benefits, just because she had some kind of crazy convictions,” Lynn muttered from the table where she sat.

Thankfully, Pam’s daughters didn’t seem to agree with her.

“I don’t know. The more I thought about that, the more I admired you, Mom. I mean, I would be scared to death to quit my job with no prospects.” Marilyn looked across the table at her grandma and then across the kitchen at her mom. “I mean, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it. You... You bought an inn, but you have no income. Aren’t you scared?”

“Maybe that’s why she got married,” Hilda said, setting forks around the table next to the plates she already put down.

“That’s pretty smart. He’s got a great job; maybe that’s why they got married.”
