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While he was doing that, he had a couple of ideas, and he decided that he would head to the inn and try to have a little bit of time to talk to Pam after her meeting was over.

Chapter 20

Lana walked to the beach, the wind blowing her hair, holding a small casserole for Joe.

Joe seemed to be declining, and the last few times she’d visited him, she’d been worried about him.

It wasn’t anything she could put her finger on, he just wasn’t as...robust as he normally was.

Plus, she thought he was losing weight. That was hopefully something she could do something about. Even if she couldn’t talk him into going to the doctor as she had been trying to do.

The lighthouse came into view before she saw Joe out in his usual spot on the beach.

She did a double take when she saw that there was someone sitting beside him.

Joe never had company. Even the son that he talked about, and who gave him the chocolate-covered espresso beans that Lana was addicted to, had never been there when she had visited. Although obviously he visited at least enough to restock the chocolate-covered espresso beans supply.

Regardless, Lana found herself hurrying a little faster as she thought that maybe she was finally going to meet this young man that Joe often talked about but who Lana had never met.

She smiled when she saw that Joe had made sure that there was a third seat beside him.

She often sat down while he fished, and that third seat said that he didn’t want her to feel left out if she showed up while his son was there. She wondered if he had done that every time he had visited. The thought made her a little sad because he would have been disappointed each and every time, since she’d never come when his son was there.

Of course, maybe he brought his own seat out. That was a possibility as well.

By that time, she was within fifty yards of the men, and Joe looked up and saw her.

“That’s the girl I’ve been telling you about. The one who eats all the chocolate-covered espresso beans.”

What a way to be introduced, Lana thought as she finished walking the distance toward them.

First of all, she wasn’t a girl, and second, it was a little embarrassing to be pointed out as the person who ate all the espresso beans. That was a lot of espresso beans.

But it was done now, and she couldn’t erase it. After all, she was female, and she did eat the espresso beans.

The man, the son, turned his head, and she saw him jerk a little, as though he were surprised. Then, he stood to his feet, unwinding his legs like a jungle cat standing up from a nap.
