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She enjoyed speaking with both of them, Pierce was well read and had an understated sense of humor that she enjoyed.

He was definitely a mature man, and by the time she left, she wished she could somehow find a way to ask his age.

Maybe she could get it out of Joe the next time she visited, although if she asked him outright, she was sure that Pierce would hear about it, and she didn’t want him to think that she was interested. Even if she was.

Chapter 21

“All right. I’ll see your crew next Tuesday.” Pam stood at the door while the folks from the renovation company filed out.

There had been three of them, and they had been excited about this job.

The entire time, Pam wondered if her mom was actually going to give her her inheritance. Maybe she shouldn’t have jumped the gun like she had. After all, she had the money in her savings account to begin payments, but she didn’t have enough to continue, and she wouldn’t have anything to live on if she had to use it all for this.

She needed to talk to her mother.

She hadn’t had a chance that morning, because the kitchen had been full. Although, she was using the full kitchen as an excuse. She’d been too...engrossed in Mark to think about anything so banal as talking to her mom about the millions of dollars that were a part of her inheritance.

Maybe it was just her imagination, but he seemed more handsome than ever this morning. Which made her feel her age even more.

He hadn’t shaved the night before, and the stubble on his face gave him a slightly rugged look, even if some of it was coming out gray. She actually liked that look better. It made him look distinguished, which is what gray hair did to a man. For a woman, it just made them old.

Which was how Pam felt when she was next to Mark. Old. Even though, as he kept pointing out, he was older.

But he didn’t seem to care. It didn’t seem to bother him at all.

She wasn’t entirely sure whether he kept putting his arm around her, dropping kisses on her head, and giving her that look that made her toes curl, saying her name in a way that made every hair on her head sigh, just to put on a show. If he was, he was a better actor than she ever thought he was.

As though her thoughts conjured him up, his truck came up over the hill.

She smiled. Her mother could wait.

The car with the renovation folks in it had disappeared, and she stepped out the door of the inn, onto the porch. The foundation was solid, but they were sending their crew in just to be sure. As long as that held, the renovations that she wanted shouldn’t take more than two months, they had said.

She couldn’t believe she could be an inn owner and possibly a charter school superintendent in less than two months.

She had a lot of red tape to wade through in the meantime, but the meeting today had left her hopeful. Very, very hopeful.
