Page 1 of Sebastian Gerald

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Toby cleaned off the bar while watching the game on the big screen. It was the best seat in the house unless you were at the game, she thought. While she didn’t love being a bartender, she did enjoy the perks of it. Games with people she knew. Snacks as much as she wanted and a beer on occasion when it was a great game. The door opened down from her, and she watched as a man walked in and sat at the bar. Making her way toward him, she was surprised at how handsome he was. Not only that but since he was sitting on a barstool, he was as tall as her six foot one inches.

“What can I get you?” He said a beer and a burger. Well done, too. “Fries? Or tater salad. Or both. It’s late, so they’ll be throwing it out at the end of the shift anyway since it’s Saturday.”

“Both?” Nodding, she made her way to the kitchen. Sammy said he’d get it right up, and she pulled his beer. They had it on tap so she could watch the game that was going on while she did it. Taking him his beer, he asked her if she knew someone named Anderson. “I’m on my way to finding him around here.”

“First or last name?” He grinned and told her last. “There’s a couple here named Anderson. They’re an older couple.”

“No, this guy would be about my age. Late twenties to early thirties. I don’t know what he does or what he looks like.” Toby didn’t know why, but she felt alarms go off in her head. There was no way that this guy was in his late twenties to early thirties. She’d put him more at the top of being in his early fifties. There was graying at his temples, for Christ’s sake. “I think he’s married, though. Does that help?”

“Can’t say that I know anyone that fits that. You can ask around to the others here if you want. But I don’t know.” Instead of chatting it up as she usually did, she started away. When he grabbed her arm, she looked at his hand on her. “You will remove your hand from me, or I’m going to hurt you.”

“For detaining you?” She only nodded but didn’t move. “I want you to tell me all you know about the man that you’re lying to me about. He’s looking for his half-brother, and you’ll tell me what you know. Now, kid or else.”

“You don’t want to talk to me in that tone, shithead. I’m a good deal smarter and stronger than I look. Remove your hand, or I will. You doing it will save you time in the emergency department.” Instead of letting her go, he squeezed just a bit harder. Knowing that she was going to be carrying a bruise for a while, she smiled at him. “You were warned.”

By the time the ambulance arrived, she was serving up more beers. The one that the stranger ordered was eaten by Columbus, the old man who sat in the bar only to watch the game with them. The police arrived not five minutes later. They were usually quick to respond when she called, as she handled most of the rowdy customers when necessary. Officer Bentley, the new guy on the force, was with the second cruiser. He asked her what happened.

“He touched me when I didn’t allow it.” He looked at the man on the floor and then back at her. “I warned him to let me go. More than I do for other patrons that come in here. But he gave me the jitters. Also, he threatened me with telling him something about your friend.”

“Which one?” She told him, and he asked her what he wanted. “I mean, did he seem the type that—nah, he didn’t want money. What did he want, Toby?”

“He was looking for someone that was half-brother to him. He didn’t give me a name, but like I said, he gave me the jitters and then threatened me.” Again, she looked at the man on the floor and then back at him. “I don’t give someone a fighting chance to hurt me again. They must have told you that about me.”

“They did. But I was just thinking of how much strength it might take a person to remove someone’s arm with a hatch. No offense, but someone as slim and small built as you would have to have a hidden strength you don’t let someone see.” She told him that looks can be deceiving. “They certainly can. I’m going to call my brother. I know you’re going to be closing up soon. Can you wait for him?”

“Sure. I’m off tomorrow and Monday. I don’t mind waiting around.” The game ended with their team winning. Another football game in the pocket.

Soon after that, most of the patrons left, Columbus leaving her a big tip when he went out the door. The police were talking to them about what had happened. As it turned out, no one knew that she’d dealt with the man until he hit the floor screaming. They still paid little attention to him as their team was in the in-zone.

Caleb showed up about twenty minutes after two. It was then that she noticed that there was a man in the back that hadn’t left. When Caleb shook her hand, the man ambled, no other word for it, to where they were standing. It took her less time than it had Caleb to realize that the man could have been his twin.

Once they hugged, big bear hugs like large men were apt to do, she watched as they sobbed over each other. When Harlin was called in, the three of them talked all over each other while they got acquainted. She went to the back room to rotate some stock that she had planned on doing in the morning.

“Toby?” She came out of the walk-in just as Harlin joined her in the back room. It was a quarter past three now, and she was suddenly feeling her long day. “I’m so sorry about this. We got to talking and lost track of time. This is the man that the other man was looking for.”

“Yeah, I figured at much.” She locked the walk-in up and moved to the front of the bar. “I’m exhausted, so if you guys wouldn’t mind saving this until the morning, I’d greatly appreciate it.”

“What time is good for you?” She said that she didn’t sleep much, so she could be ready around seven-thirty. “How about we meet at my house and—no, that won’t work. I don’t have any furniture yet. Caleb’s home. We’ll all meet there and have some breakfast. Is that all right?”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll just need an address.” He gave it to her, and she made a mental note of it. “Great. I don’t know what else I can tell you other than what I already did, but I’ll come over.”

When they left, she locked up the bar and made her way out to her car. She was surprised to find another car in the lot other than hers and the man that she’d hurt. When someone stepped out, she pulled her gun and nearly fell to the ground when Harlin said it was him.

“Christ, I could have killed you, you fucking idiot. Who gets out of a car in the fucking dark? You don’t do that or someone might put a bullet in your head. Next time, think.” He laughed and told her how sorry he was. “Yeah, sure. Now, why are you here?”

“We wanted to make sure that you were all right when you left.” She asked him if she looked like she was unprepared for shit like someone sneaking up on her. He laughed again. “No, as a matter of fact, you look like you could take on the world. But we did want to make sure that you got in your car safely. The police will be coming for the man’s car sometime tomorrow. I wanted to let you know that, too.”

“Thanks. I have a standing order with the police to make sure that any cars left on the lot for more than twenty-four hours they’re to be towed.” He told her that was a good idea. “Thanks. I do have them on occasion.”

“What do you do? I know that you’re more than a bartender. You have skills that I’ve only noticed tonight. You’ve been in the service, I think.” She didn’t answer him. “Or not. You don’t have to answer. But I will tell you that my sister-in-law and Caleb have connections that can find out almost anything.”

“They’ll be wasting their time.” She nodded toward her car. “I’m out of here. If you think of anything else tonight, just make a note and ask me tomorrow. I’m dead, standing on my feet right now. And don’t sneak up on me again. It will get you dead.”

She made her way to her car while he was still laughing. The moron was going to get himself dead if he wasn’t careful. Toby noticed that they followed her home, too. She did wonder what they’d think about her house. It was fucking huge, but it was all hers.

Going into her home, she didn’t bother turning to see if they left. Once she was inside, she kicked off her boots and made her way to the kitchen. As usual, there were sandwiches left in the fridge for her, and she pulled the plate out and ate one of them standing at the counter. When she was finished with the second one, she sat down at the table and read the notes that had been left for her to go over.
