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I made my way downstairs, eager to let Mariah know we had the beginning of a plan—something solid when we’d been floundering in a sea of uncertainty. Before I even hit the second-floor landing, the sounds of music and laughter floated up, leading me down to the kitchen. When I turned the corner, the sight that greeted me made my heart soar.

Mariah was dancing with Sofia, spinning her around and around as she sang along to the song coming from a speaker on the counter. Sofia’s laughter rang out in bright peals, and their shared joy lit up the entire space. Mariah continued to twirl Sofia around the room as if in their own little bubble of happiness, safe from any outside threats.

This was what I was fighting for. The two girls who meant everything to me. They were my entire world. It was these unexpected domestic moments that gave my life meaning. No matter what, Sofia would never feel the threat of Tomas Hawthorne hanging over her. I’d give her the life she deserved and show her how much she was loved.

Mariah must’ve sensed my presence because she turned, her eyes meeting mine. The smile that spread across her face was so radiant I couldn’t speak. It wasn’t just her stunning beauty, but the warmth, love, and kindness that was so much a part of my mate. I walked up and reached out, pulling her into my arms, Sofia giggling as she was sandwiched between us.

“Care to join us for a dance?” Mariah's eyes sparkled when she grinned at me.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. We danced together, Sofia between us, giggling and wriggling as she clapped her hands. I looked down at Mariah, my emotions so intense I didn’t know what to do with them.

I wanted to tell her what we’d discovered, but I also didn’t want to ruin this perfect moment with talk of Tomas. So, I held back. I’d wait for the right moment and not miss the perfect one right in front of me.

I pressed my lips to hers in a soft, lingering kiss. Pulling back slightly, I gazed into her eyes. “I love you so much, Mariah. More than you even know. All of this will be over soon. And when it is, there are things I want to talk to you about. About the future. About us."

A soft smile played on her lips as she nodded, her gaze never leaving mine. "I'd like that, Evan."

I would claim her, making her mine in every way just as soon as this was all behind us. Until then, I was going to enjoy the evening with my mate. As I pulled her closer, my arms tight around my two girls, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. We had a fight ahead of us, but for now, this was what mattered. This moment, this joy, this love. This was worth everything.

Chapter 8


The moment I hit the submit button on my college application, a wave of energy rushed through me. Nervous? Yes. Excited? Undeniably. It was a new chapter in my life, one that promised independence and an identity beyond being Evan's mate or Sofia’s nanny… or mother.

I loved Evan with every fiber of my being. He was my future. A rock I could depend on. But just because I could depend on him didn’t mean I wanted to be dependent on him, either. I wanted to stand on my own, to have something to lean on if…

No. I shook my head. I wouldn't entertain the thought of something happening to him. It was too much to handle. It was the one possibility I hadn’t let myself consider since Evan decided to bring Tomas down. But practicality dictated I be prepared for anything. Evan was an alpha dragon. The rightful heir to this clan, despite his reservations about it. He was deeply embroiled in this dangerous situation with the Hawthornes. Even if he never became alpha of a clan, his life would always carry an element of danger because of who he was.

Thoughts whirled in my mind, worry nagging at me now that I’d opened this can of worms, so I closed my computer and headed downstairs, seeking out Abi, once again, while Sofia napped, and Evan was still working upstairs. As someone who lived through this daily as the current alpha’s mate, perhaps Abi could offer some clarity, or even reassurance.

"Abi, can I ask you something?" I said hesitantly when I found her reading a book on the back porch swing.

“Of course, hon.” She sat up and patted the swing cushion next to her. “You can ask me anything, anytime.”

She offered me a smile, and I was grateful for her presence all over again. Abi welcomed my questions, was there for me when I needed it, doing it all with her characteristic calm. She was a role model of what a mother should be—the type of mother I wanted to be.

I took the seat next to her, biting my lip as I tried to figure out how to talk about it.

“What’s on your mind?” she said when I struggled to find the right words. Maybe the best way to say it was to put it all out there.

“When shifters mate, is there a legally binding contract like there is in a human marriage?" The words hung in the air. All these questions about mates and marriage lately.

"No, there isn't," she said, shaking her head. If she was surprised by my question, she didn’t let on. “While shifters can choose to have a legally binding contract, you’ll find that most don’t have that desire. The claiming and subsequent mate bond is so much more than marriage. It goes beyond, connecting mates in a way that’s unbreakable.”

“But what about legalities?” I said. “I mean, I’ve heard talk of heirs and the like. But from what Evan has said, the line of succession isn’t always so simple. Is there really no legal claim?”

“Shifter politics are very different, Mariah, as I’m sure you’re learning every day. Mates can choose to file documents with a lawyer. Things like power of attorney, next of kin, and so forth. It's an option, but most shifters choose not to take it simply because it doesn’t really come into play in our world.”

It was yet another curveball this world had thrown at me.

“If I may ask,” Abi ventured tentatively, “what is it you’re really worried about here? Our politics and way of life? Or are you worried about something happening to Evan?”

“Both?” I shrugged. “I don’t know. There’s just so much to learn. So many things I don’t understand. I’m trying. I want to know about this world and what it really means to be Evan’s mate, but it’s just so hard to reconcile the differences with the life I’ve always known.”

Abi reached over, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. “The fact that you care enough to want to learn is all that matters, hon. It’s a lot. It will take time to fully understand.”

I realized she was right. I was learning. I was putting in the effort. I wanted to be part of Evan’s world, and I was trying my best.
