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I shoved down the irrational flare of jealousy. That wasn’t going away, but I could at least try to ignore it.

Mason asked, “How are you handling that?”

“Not well,” I said. “I’m pretty on edge.” I filled him in on what I’d been dealing with as far as my dragon was concerned, and how the need to claim Mariah was growing. “I wish I could handle this without her. I don’t like that she’s involved. It puts her safety at risk.”

“Then, why are you going through with it?”

I gave him a pointed look. “What other choice do I have? Making her feel like she isn’t important, like she can’t be a part of my life? I’m trying my best to show her how she can fit in to my life. I just don’t like putting her in harm’s way.”

“Would you still feel this way if she weren’t so fragile?” Mason said, watching me thoughtfully.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Just wondering if you wouldn’t feel so unsure about letting her help if she weren’t human.”

I sat back in my chair. I hadn’t really thought about that before. Would I feel differently if she were a dragon shifter, if she weren’t so much more at risk because she couldn’t protect herself?

I shook my head. “It doesn’t really matter, does it? Mariah’s human. She’ll never be a shifter, which means it’s my job as her mate to keep her safe.”

Mason nodded. “She’s going to be fine tomorrow, Evan. She’ll have you by her side the entire time.”

“Damn right she will. I’d give my life to keep her safe.”

Mason sighed. “It’s not going to come to that.”

I hoped not, but I’d be ready to protect her in any way I had to. She’d been taken from me once already. I refused to let it happen again.

Chapter 12


"Ugh, why can't I come with you?" Analise pouted as she picked at her beef and broccoli, delivered just a few minutes ago. "I mean, I could be an escort." She gave me a sly grin. “Maybe it’s a new way to meet guys.”

“Absolutely not. Evan would’ve had a heart attack if he even heard you suggest that. He already doesn’t like the idea of me doing this. The only reason he’s on board is because it’s our best option.” I’d spent most of the evening telling her about our plans to get Rosalind to drop the custody suit.

"Fine, fine," Analise said with a huff, tossing a piece of broccoli onto her plate. The teasing twinkle in her eyes remained, though. It was so much better than the hostility she’d had before. Maybe she’d come around to Evan yet. “But you have to admit, Mariah, it's an interesting world."

That wasn’t the word I'd use for it, but I couldn't deny there was a tiny thrill at the prospect of going undercover to help Evan bring down Tomas. This was dangerous, too, and I wasn't about to let Analise get caught up in it.

"Look, Ana," I said softly, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand. "You're my best friend, and I love you, but this isn't your fight. This is something I need to do for Evan… and for myself.”

Analise squeezed my hand back. "All right, I get it. Just promise me one thing, okay?"


"Promise me you'll be safe," she whispered. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Of course," I said, enveloping her in a hug. "I promise."

"Good," Analise sighed, leaning back in her chair and popping a piece of chicken into her mouth. "Now, let's finish eating and talk about something less serious. Like…I don't know, shoes."

“Well, I do happen to have a stylist coming over tomorrow to help me get ready for the interview.”

That had her popping right back up in her seat. “Seriously?”

I nodded, laughing at that. “I guess it isn’t all bad, is it?”

Analise and I talked about the latest fashion trends and what the stylist might bring tomorrow. We discussed hairstyles and makeup, our plates of takeout slowly emptying. It was lighthearted and fun, and for a few hours, I was simply a girl hanging out with her best friend.
