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He smiled softly. “Do you feel rested?”

I smiled back. “Completely satisfied, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I love to serve,” he said with a wink, bending down to kiss me again.

It would be all too easy to just stay there for the rest of the day, but after a few minutes I reluctantly disentangled myself from him. We needed to meet with Evan's lawyer before the end of the day, and despite the blissful haze lingering in the air, we couldn't afford to be late.

“I know we should get going,” Evan said lustily as he pulled me close again for one more tender kiss. “But I could also stay right here forever.”

“First things first.” I forced myself to focus on the task at hand. “Let’s go see the lawyer, and we can pick back up later.”

“I just might hold you to that.”

After getting dressed, we made our way out of the penthouse, security flanking us the entire way to the waiting SUV. Jax stayed behind, saying he had some errands to run. Once again, the overt security team that surrounded us at all times was a stark reminder of the danger we faced, even as it gave me a strange sense of comfort. They were there to protect us against Tomas, and I’d honestly never felt safer.

The drive to Catherine Shaw’s office was short and tense, each passing block ramping up my fears over what lay ahead. When we arrived, we had to wait for yet another security sweep, ensuring the attorney’s building was safe for us to enter. I wondered if she’d ever experienced anything like it. Evan’s quip about looking like we were part of the mob flashed in my memory, and I giggled.

Evan stared, and I shook my head, not sure how our guards would feel about that comment. A few minutes later, we got the all-clear, and Evan's hand gripped mine as we climbed from the SUV and were ushered into the building.

Ms. Shaw’s office was a study in professional elegance, the polished mahogany and leather furniture giving off an air of authority. She greeted us with a firm handshake and a kind smile, her silver-streaked hair and sharp eyes exuding confidence.

“Okay,” she said, motioning for us to sit. “Just a quick review of what you can expect during tomorrow's court hearing. It will begin promptly with the judge calling the session to order. Should Rosalind fail to appear, which we suspect is likely, the judge will document her absence and proceed to take statements on behalf of Evan.”

Evan nodded, his jaw set. “And that's where Mariah comes in, right?”

“Exactly,” Catherine confirmed. “Mariah, your testimony will be essential in establishing Evan's role as a devoted and capable father. The more details you can provide about his care for Sofia, the better.”

I swallowed, thinking about having to give a testimony in a court of law, but my mind was already racing with memories of Evan's tender moments with his daughter. There was no doubt in my mind that he was the best father Sofia could ever have, and he loved her more than anything. I would do whatever I could to help secure their future together.

“Yes, ma’am,” I said. “I’ll do everything in my power to make sure the judge sees Evan for who he truly is: a loving, dedicated father.”

Catherine smiled gratefully. “That's all we can ask for. Now, let's review some key points so you both feel prepared for tomorrow.”

I glanced out the window, watching the city below buzz with life and activity while she briefed us.

“Once court is adjourned, assuming Rosalind doesn’t show, the judge may set another date for her to appear. In the meantime, Evan will maintain full custody of Sofia.”

That’s what we’d expected, but Evan still sighed in relief, his hand reaching for mine under the table. “That's what I was hoping you’d say. But isn’t there another way we can get this over with sooner? Couldn’t the judge just grant me custody tomorrow? The thought of going through this again…”

Catherine nodded sympathetically. “I understand your concern, Evan. I'll do my best to present a strong case that there's no need for a second court date. It's important to remember that Rosalind was the one who sued for her custodial rights, and given that she'll likely be a no-show and abandoned an unregistered infant, things won't look too good for her.”

At least we had that in our favor. The knot in my stomach began to loosen slightly. The stakes were so high, but Catherine Shaw was supposed to be the best, and we had her fighting on our side. We spent the next hour discussing strategies and potential questions we might encounter during the hearing. As we wrapped up and prepared to leave, Catherine stood and extended her hand to each of us.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, giving us a confident smile. “Try not to get into any trouble before then.”

Evan chuckled. “We'll do our best.”

“Thank you, Catherine.” I shook her outstretched hand. “We couldn’t have done this without you.”

As Evan and I stepped back into the bustling city streets, hand-in-hand, I felt a sense of hope despite the entourage surrounding us. Tomorrow would be a defining moment, but I believed in my heart that we’d come out successful. There wasn’t an alternative.

“Do you want to stop for dinner?” Evan said once we were secured in the SUV once more.

“Maybe we could just pick something up and take it home,” I suggested. “Should we check in with Jax to see if he wants anything?”

Before he could respond, Evan's phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and glanced at the screen, his expression darkening.

“Sebastian,” Evan said into the phone, his gaze locked on mine. “What's going on?”
