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“Hm.” I tap my finger to my chin. “To be perfectly honest, now that I’ve eaten something. All I can think about is the fact that there is a spa in this lounge. I’ve definitely never showered in an airport.”

“That’s easy.” Nick stands. “Let’s bring the champagne and go.”

My eyes grow big. “Just leave the dinner? Isn’t it like a seven-course meal?”

“It will be here when we want it,” Nick answers in the way only a man who gets whatever he wants could.

Not everything he wants. I think to myself, remembering what he lost seven years ago.

“Filis Navidad.” I grin as I push my chair out.



Kris, Nick, and I love to talk big game. This is our holiday. Every year people tell us to go out there and “reclaim our bachelorhood”, whatever the fuck that means. And every year, we spend Christmas acting a whole lot more low-key than makes sense for three men in their primes who have a shit ton of money to burn. Something has always been missing. I’ve always assumed it was time. And that’s, of course, true. But as the silhouette of Holly wrapped in a towel comes sauntering into the steam room, I’m starting to wonder if our holiday trio was always missing someone very specific.

I know it’s batshit to be calling her “wifey”. I saw Kris’s jaw clench at the word. It’s a sensitive word in our group. And for good reason. But it just came out and the way it makes Holly’s cheeks go red is damn delicious. Also, fuck it. Maybe we need something to kick us in our asses so we can stop staring at the walls of every elite vacation spot we go to just to convince ourselves that we’re okay. It’s been seven years and the three of us need a slap in the face. And that slap might just come in the form of a deliciously curvy woman who speaks her mind and is eager to live in the very same world that we’ve stopped appreciating.

I know Kris and Nick are completely on my page now with the “wifey”, too. Kris’s jaw is clenching for a very different recent as his eyes trace the dew forming on her collarbones and dripping down into her cleavage.

“I keep thinking how beautiful the three of you look and wish I could take your picture.” She takes a step back as if to frame us in her mind.

“Just you uttering the word picture makes it hard to think of anything other than…”

Nick trails off, so I finish the job for him. “You’re fucking amazing naked body in the sunset.”

“Oh, please.” She steps toward the white-tiled bench across from us. “You guys are acting like you haven’t seen a naked woman before. You’re hot and rich and have that ‘daddy’ thing going on.”

“Daddy thing?” Kris cocks an eyebrow. Yeah, daddy thing? What the hell is that?

She inhales the steam and leans back before answering. “You have your shit together. You’re nice and decent and not trying to prove anything. I don’t know, it’s just a vibe you all give off. Like you could really take care of a girl.” She closes her eyes and breathes in and out again. “My point is, I’m sure you don’t have any shortage of women lining up for you.”

We’ve all had our fucks. There’s no denying that. But nothing to write home about. More like drunken grief-induced escapes.

“And do you want us to take care of you?” Nick watches her closely when he asks.

Her head shoots up and her eyes grow big. “In what way?”

He laughs. “I meant in general, but your answer tells me you were thinking of something very specific.”

Holly’s tanned skin is flushing a vibrant pink and I wonder if it’s from the steam room or the dirty little thoughts about these daddies. Her tongue traces her bottom lip, and I feel my cock twitch in response.

She’s younger than us, which maybe should make me pause. But there’s something electric in the air between us since the moment we saved her tight little ass. And it’s only grown. Now the steam filling the room isn’t even as thick as the sexual tension and her eyes look as greedy as my cock feels.

“You said you’ve been lonely,” I say carefully. “How lonely?”

She shifts and crosses her legs on the bench. Her long legs shine with sweat and steam. I trace them up to find her eyes watching me closely.

“I’ve been lonely my whole life.” She says, locking eyes with me intensely. “Mentally and physically.”

“Let us make you feel things, Holly.” I use her real name now. Because this is a very real conversation.

“How?” She is whispering now, practically breathless, but her face is fierce and still locked on mine.

I wait a beat before I answer.

“Spread your legs and find out.”
