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For the last couple of days, things have been relatively calm between Allie and me, mostly because we’ve barely seen each other. And when we have, our interactions have been not exactly friendly but at least polite. She appears to have accepted my apology on the surface, but I feel like I should do more. I was out of line the other night interrupting her and whatshisname, worse making her feel like she should leave was a real low point, even for me.

With a tap on the keys of my laptop, I shift to the next spreadsheet of numbers and am quickly engrossed again in the detail. My concentration is so complete I don’t initially notice Hunter standing in the doorway of my office. He doesn’t often move so quietly. Blake is the stealthy one with all his former military training.

“Hey, do you need something or is this your way of trying to have the report sooner?” I ask without moving my eyes from the spreadsheet.

“Let’s go get a coffee,” he responds, leaning casually against the doorframe. It’s not the first time he’s asked me to go for a coffee with him, but the occasional times he’s asked have been rare enough that I’m intrigued to know what he’s got to say today that can’t be said in his office. Curiosity wins, and I shut my laptop.

Grabbing my cell from the desk, and my suit coat from the back of my chair, I follow him past the other offices on the executive floor to the elevators. In the lobby, we walk outside onto the busy sidewalk and turn to walk in the opposite direction of his favorite coffee shop. About a block later we stop at a new place to get two coffees, then instead of heading back toward the office, we continue in the same direction. So far all we’ve talked about is the month-end results and I’m no wiser as to the reason for this impromptu expedition.

Is this just another attempt for Hunter to get me away from my desk? He’s always at me to take a break, but it’s not how I’m wired. I’m a workaholic and see that as an advantage not a problem that needs solving. Hunter does like to take on everyone’s problems, but when it comes to his own, we have to back off.

With our coffees, he continues down the street and without question, I follow. I guess he wants to talk about something and is working up to it. This might be his idea of a follow-up to the other night’s intervention.

“Have you seen that?” He nods in the direction of one of the large electronic billboards in Times Square that’s showing an advertisement for a cable news network.

“What? Are you wanting to do some advertising in Times Square because if that’s the case you got the wrong guy. You need to be going for a stroll with Jason instead of me. I’ve got no idea about marketing.”

I take a sip of my coffee but before I can swallow it, the advertisement slides onto the next one and I’m spitting it back out onto the pavement.

Hunter’s laughter is barely audible to me as I stare open-mouthed at the massive picture of Allie in a lacy red bra that barely covers her nipples and matching briefs that embody the word brief. Fuck, she looks hot and my blood rushes south to highlight my appreciation. I shove my hand in my pocket and make a quick adjustment.

“What the fuck was she thinking?” I mumble now, not only shocked but also pissed that everyone can see her like that. A group of teenage boys standing nearby are pointing, their eyes hanging out. She might look like she could fuel a schoolboy’s wet dream, but I don’t appreciate their snickering and chest thumping jibes. Before I do something I’ll probably regret, Hunter moves me away from them. For fuck’s sake, I don’t want people ogling her.

“She looks good,” Hunter says and I have a strong desire to wipe the smile off his face too. He turns to look at me and I think he can tell what I’m thinking when he continues, “Bro, it’s her job. Sorry, but I thought it was probably best that I was the one to show you.”

I look back up at her, and my chest tightens. She’s beautiful, but I see so much more when I look at her emerald eyes. I’m reminded of the hurt I filled them with last weekend. I turn away, unable to continue to stare at the giant-sized reminder of how badly I’ve treated Allie since she moved in.

I glare at Hunter. “How did you know?” I ask, hoping it wasn’t Allie who told him. I want to be the one she chooses to share exciting news with; after all, I’m her roommate.

This kind of national publicity has been a dream of Allie’s for years. We may not have exactly sat down and spoken together, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t taken an interest in her successes.

Hunter shrugs before admitting, “Katie called me this morning. She figured Allie hadn’t mentioned it.”

I nod, not surprised to hear it was Katie. Especially when she’s been the one who for years has been giving me updates about Allie’s career.

“And you didn’t think that maybe you could have just told me? Rather than bring me down here to show me,” I grumble. My brow furrows because I’m sure he was looking for a reaction and he certainly got one. I kind of wish my coffee had landed on him rather than the pavement.

He tilts his head to the side, giving me one of those penetrating looks he mastered when we were kids. “Okay, so I might have also wanted to prove a point to you. You have a thing for Allie. I expect you always have. And I have a feeling she might have a thing for you too.”

“Well, you’re an idiot if that’s what you think,” I lie through my teeth.

He shakes his head. “I’m pretty sure I’m not the one who’s an idiot. I know you weren’t happy about her moving in.” I don’t appreciate the reminder of the first week when I stormed into his office complaining about my roommate. He continues, “But you guys were close back in high school. And there is something between you when you’re together. I mean, what the fuck was that the other night at the bar?” I knew he’d have something to say about that. “Everyone can see it. Everyone except you two.”

I huff out a breath. The billboard scrolls back around to Allie’s picture. “She’s gorgeous,” I mutter.

“She certainly is,” Hunter agrees, and I’m jolted by the realization that I’d spoken aloud.

“Logan, what happened in high school was a long time ago. And I know since there’s been a lot of things said that you probably both regret. This could be the chance to wipe the board clean and reset. Maybe you could even try for friends. It would certainly make the holidays easier on the rest of us if you and Allie could get along.”

It’s a fair point. I don’t imagine we’re great to be around when we start taunting each other. Neither of us willing to concede on any point. Which is how we usually end up when we’ve spent extended periods of time together like during the holidays. My family has been her surrogate family and I wouldn’t want to do anything to take that away from her.

My gaze drops to the pavement, and I say more forcefully than I mean to, “I need to get back to the office. Some of us have work to do today.”

Hunter grins and throws his arm around my shoulders briefly. My brothers are the only two people I know that can do that, mostly because I don’t let many people get close to me, but also because they are the only ones I know who could reach.

Our walk back to the office is less eventful with the conversation thankfully turned back to work.
