Page 5 of Unforgettable

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“Mrs. Weber, I think the best thing for you to do is to wait for Vince to wake up and take it one step at a time. There’s no need to—”

“What about Hudson?” I blurted.

Dr. McGuire’s features softened, and he shook his head. “I’m sorry.”

I knew from his softened voice and misty eyes that his apology was genuine. But we both knew there was nothing either of us could do about it.

“Can’t we just tell him about Hailey and Hudson?” Renee asked. “If he remembers all of us, why not just fill in the blanks for him?”

“You can, yes. From his charts and the initial reports we received, Vince is cognitively aware that he is missing bits and pieces.”

“I don’t know,” I said.

Everyone’s head whipped around to me. I felt like a goldfish in a tank, frozen in place, while three pairs of eyes waited for me to do something extraordinary.

“I understand what you’re feeling, Mrs. Weber.”

“Doctor, please call me Hailey.” My smile was forced because of the horror show I was in, but the formality of being called Mrs. Weber was grating on my nerves and made me feel uneasy.

Dr. McGuire returned my smile. “It’s difficult to hear that Vince remembers things but not others. Especially something as special as your wedding and being a father. Perhaps the three of you would like to talk and try to come up with a plan for telling Vince.”

When we nodded, Dr. McGuire shook our hands and left.

“I think . . .” My mind wasn’t working.

Noticing my distress, Renee wrapped her arm around me. “I’m right here,” she said.

I clutched her hand tightly in mine. I was forever grateful to have her and Daniel here with me. Their strength and presence fortified me.

I nodded, unable to speak. She rubbed circles on my back. It was the kind of thing a mother did for her child.

“Maybe we should get some coffee,” Daniel suggested. Renee and I followed silently to the visitor’s room.

The coffee burned. It was an unfriendly reminder that this was all real. Too real. Still, I welcomed the intense warmth. I was chilled to the bone and couldn’t stop shivering. We sat in silence, all wondering what to say, all uncertain what words would be the right words.

“He doesn’t remember that we’re married.” I shook my head in disbelief.

“He will remember. Just give him time.” Daniel’s words were meant to comfort me, but I didn’t believe them. Still, I nodded.

“Maybe he regrets getting married. Do you think he regrets it? Like maybe he feels like he made a mistake, and that’s why he doesn’t remember. Maybe he had doubts or something.” I looked at Renee. “Do you think he did?”

“Oh, honey. That’s a silly thing to say. He couldn't wait to be married to you.”

“Then what's going on? I don’t understand how he could forget.”

“I don't know either, Hailey. But trust me when I say he would never forget the happiest day of his life on purpose.”

“There has to be an explanation.”

“The only thing he cared about was starting a life with you.”

“Let’s wait and see what he says when he wakes up,” Daniel said. “The good thing is that he does remember all of us.”

I nodded again. Daniel did make a good point. If he remembered us, then hopefully, he would remember everything else. I twisted and turned my hands together.

“We’re all nervous, Hailey,” Daniel said. “We’re gonna figure this out, okay? Try not to get lost in worst-case scenarios. We’re a family, and we will work through this together.”

“Thank you.” My words were meek, but they were sincere.
