Page 7 of Unforgettable

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I sighed. “Thank you.”

“Hailey, you have your husband back. Hudson has his father. We have our son. It’s a glorious day.”

I choked on a sob.

“Honey, what’s wrong?”

My words were a whisper. “He doesn’t remember that stuff.”

Strong arms engulfed me again. Daniel’s sandalwood scent of aftershave comforted me. Renee’s hand tenderly stroked my head as I cried softly against Daniel’s chest. “I know it seems hopeless now. But honey, you have him back. And we never thought we’d see him again. It’s a miracle. Right?” I nodded against Daniel’s chest. “We’ll figure everything out. One step at a time. Together, okay?”

I put the other chairs back in their spots and used the bathroom inside Vince’s hospital room. I looked affright. I was a complete wreck. A puffy, splotchy face with garish raccoon eyes from smeared mascara looked back at me. I shouldn’t have worn any makeup. Vanity won out in the end, though. I didn’t want to look like a haggard wench the first time Vince saw me. I primped and prepped all morning. A lot of good it did me.Haggard wenchit was.

I took my seat next to Vince. “I never thought I’d see you again,” I whispered as I stroked his cheek. As I looked upon my beloved, it didn’t matter anymore what I looked like.

All that mattered was that Vince was home. My heart was whole.

Chapter 5


An angel’s voice called to me from somewhere far away.

I was stuck in a shitstorm, wading my way through mud-like quicksand. I clawed at the dirt wall, my fingertips bloody and raw.

I felt the angel’s lips. A lungful of heaven breathing life back into me.

I forced myself through the hurtling hell I was in. Clawing my way out of this nightmare. Desperately reaching out to find my way back. Back home. Back to my angel.

“But that was the past, and we can’t live in the past. No matter how good or how bad it was.” I could hear her words. I had no idea what they meant, but I knew I wanted her to keep talking.

I managed to force my eyes open. I squinted against the brightness I wasn’t used to.

“Hai—” I couldn’t get her name out before she leaped up.

“Vince? Baby. Oh, my God.”

My eyes fluttered open, and I turned my head toward her. The moment our eyes met, a surge of emotion overwhelmed me. She was here. I was alive.

“I thought I was dreaming.” My voice sounded like gnarled gravel. Tears streamed down Hailey’s cheeks. “Hailey,” I whispered. “You’re here.”

“Yes, baby. I’m here.” Her voice was strained and hoarse. But even so, it was the most beautiful sound in the world.

“Do you know where you are?”

“Hospital.” I motioned to my mouth, which felt like Death Valley on the hottest day of summer. She brought a cup of water and held it for me, angling the straw toward my lips. “San Diego.”

“Yes, that’s right.” She smiled like I had just answered the million-dollar question on a silly game show.

“Am I okay?” I winced as pain spiraled through my body.

“Not too fast,” Hailey said, grabbing the remote. She pushed, and the bed inclined a little. She helped me to sit up, propping several more pillows behind my head.

“Do you remember being transferred here?”

“No. I just remember getting here and them telling me where I was.” She furrowed her brows and chewed her lip. Her face contorted into disappointed confusion. “How long have I been here?”

“Early this morning.” She looked at the clock. “Well, yesterday morning. We were here all day.”
