Page 17 of Lustre Lost

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“Suck,” I command, and she cleans it without any hesitation.

Releasing her throat, I kiss her temple. Noticing the finger-shaped bruises I left on her hips.

“Damnit, I’m sorry Tilly, I was too rough.”

“You were perfect. This was perfect…I love you.” She says words in a rush and I am blown away. My mouth gapes open and I will words to come out.

But just then, there is a banging at the door and Hot Dog lets loose a cacophony of deafening barks.

What. The. Fuck.

Whoever is at my door had better be having some major emergency. They pound rapidly on the solid wood as I hop around, trying to get both legs into my pants. Tossing a hoody over my bare chest, I look out of my window to see who the hell thought this was an appropriate way to start my damn morning.

Hot Dog weaves around my feet, excited by all the commotion and I try not to step on my crazy pup. Scooping him up, I crack the door open only to be met with Jeremy’s pretty boy face.

“What do you want?” I grunt, stepping out onto the front porch.

“I’ve called and texted you like ten times. What’s the deal, man?” Jeremy asks.

“Where is Tilly? Where’s my bestie? You found her, right mountain man? If you didn’t I’m going to chop off your balls,” a voice chirps as Tilly’s little blond friend from yesterday pops out from behind Jeremy’s back. Undeterred by my presence, she makes a beeline straight for my door.

I try to head her off, but she darts around me and lets herself right into my home.What. The. Fuck?

A frown takes over my face and I glare at Jeremy; who gives me a shrug and a shit-eating grin. My fingers clench, wanting to put my fist through his smug face.

“Blondie has been up my ass all morning; she left me no choice,” he says, though the apology sounds insincere.

Narrowing my eyes, I scowl at him.

“Hey look, this is not my fault.Youdidn’t answer my billion messages… So, I take it last night went well?” He wiggles his brows. My jaw clenches and I can feel the muscles popping on the side of my neck as I work to contain my rage.

“I found her easily enough. When I got there, her foot was stuck in a log, and the angle was putting her in some real pain. She was also wet and freezing. Once I got her leg out, she felt better quickly, so I brought her here to warm up. That storm though; it rolled in fast.” I shake my head.

“We both know that wasn’t the information I was looking for,” Jeremy grumbles.

“Well, it’s the information you’re getting,” I declare as we follow Blondie into the house.

An itch is starting under my skin. These people are invading my sanctuary and I just want them to leave. I’m not good in social situations, and I don’t like surprise visitors. Sensing my tension, Hot Dog nestles himself under my chin and I absently stroke the soft fur on his ears.

“TILLY WHERE ARE YOU?” Blondie shouts.

“Jeez, give her a second. I think she’s in the bathroom,” my annoyance seeps into my tone. Blondie flashes me a disgusted look, but it quickly morphs into a smile as Tilly enters my living room, looking like sunshine incarnate.

She has one of my shirts on and a pair of grey sweatpants that are rolled at her waist to help keep them up. Her dark hair flows down her back in long shiny waves, and she looks relaxed and happy. Freshly fucked—and my inner caveman crows and pounds his chest. Fuck off, Jeremy.

“Oh my god, girl, I should have brought you some clothes. Are you okay? You never called me. Was Operation Black Moon a success? Why didn’t you call me? I’m so mad at you” Blondie is throwing out questions so fast that I wonder if she is breathing. She’s making my head spin, but Tilly takes it all in stride—shutting her up with a quick hug.

“Hi, Blyth. I’ve never been better,” she says, smiling at me. Love blooms in my chest. No one has ever looked at me like that before.Mine.

“WHY didn’t you call me?” the friend continues to whine.

Tilly laughs, before replying, “My phone is somewhere in the forest because I couldn’t find it after I got stuck yesterday. I’m probably going to need to replace it.”

“Oh, do you want to leave now? I can take you.” Blyth says.

Oh. Hell. No. There is no way Tilly is leaving. Not after last night, and this morning.

Jeremy, clearly seeing my mutinous expression, pipes up, “How about some coffee before we figure anything out?”
