Page 19 of Lustre Lost

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Hot Dog licks my face as Drew reappears.

A frown mars his handsome face as he takes in my blotchy eyes. Stepping close to me, he gently cups my cheek in his palm.

“Sunshine, why are you crying?”

I don’t know what to say, what to do. Should I tell him that I tricked him into sleeping with me? That the sudden pull he’s feeling is just Lustre Lake’s Moon Magic?

Guilt washes through me and I want to ignore my conscience…

He rubs his thumb over my cheekbone, patiently waiting me out.

Breathing deeply, I try to calm myself before slowly exhaling.

“Drew, I need to tell you something. I tricked you into sleeping with me and I totally understand if you never want to see me again.” I sob out.

His thumb pauses, and his body goes rigid. “Do you mean you lied about birth control?”

“No, not that. I’m definitely on birth control. But you…wanting to be with me… it isn’t real. I mean, I really do love you; I have for years now. But your feelings are all the Black Moon Magic—you know, from the poem.” I spew out the words so quickly that I can’t breathe. All the oxygen has been sucked from the air and I stand there, gasping, floundering.

Looking into his eyes, I wait to see hate or disgust come over his features. Instead, his dimple springs to life, and a smile lights up his face. A boisterous laugh explodes from his chest as he pulls me to him.

Ummmmm what?

He’s laughing so hard that now tears are streaming down his perfect jawline. If he wasn’t holding me so tight, I would be running right out the door.

“Oh, Tilly girl. I've wanted you since the moment we first met. That day when we first spoke and you smiled at me; it was like I had seen the sun for the first time since my injury overseas.”

“What?” I gape at him, completely dumbfounded.

“Seriously, you are the only reason I come into town so often. I hate being around people. Everyone always wants to talk and share. The only place I feel comfortable is in the SAR Headquarters or the Bake Shop with you.” He shakes his head and his strong arms hold me a little tighter, blanketing me in their warmth.

“But… you never… I mean…I’ve thrown myself at you over and over again. Why haven’t you asked me out?”

“Sunshine, I couldn’t. I’m a broken man. I have PTSD, sometimes I trash my own house during an episode. I’m still worried this is a terrible idea.” His reply is low and filled with despair.

“It’s not,” I say, voice clear with conviction. “I won’t let you give up on us that easily.”

“When I saw you on the ground, blue, I thought you were dead, Tilly. At that moment, I realized I don’t want to live another day without you. There was no Black Moon Magic—just me pulling my head out of my ass… Though I’m thinking maybe I should redden yours for putting yourself in danger like that.” He grips me tightly, carrying me outside to seats on the patio. I squirm until I’m sitting comfortably on his lap, head resting on his broad shoulder, breathing in the fresh mountain air.

“It’s beautiful out here,” I sigh.

Looking out, I can see the mountains and even a little peak of Lustre Lake. The trees are so green, and the scent of pine and sage is thick around us. Hot Dog is poking around at the property line.

I know that Drew hasn’t said the words yet, but my heart swells with love. I feel like I’m home.

There isn’t much time before I need to get things sorted, the bakery, my phone. But right now, I just want to enjoy this perfect moment.

I’m surrounded by the scents of the bakery, cinnamon, vanilla, and almond swirl around me. It hasn’t even been a day since I’ve been here, and yet I feel so different, so light.

I stir the mix in the bowl, happy to be making Drew’s favorite, Cinnamon Roll Muffins. I reach for the eggs and add them to the batter as my new phone begins to buzz with alerts. So many alerts.

Finishing up, I slide the muffin tray into the oven and grab the infernal message monster. Almost all of the texts are from Blyth, except for the most recent one from Drew telling me he misses me and will be here to pick me up soon.

I grab everything I need for the icing before propping my phone on a bag of flour to FaceTime my bestie. It barely has a moment to ring through before her face appears on the screen.

“Glad to see you’ve returned to the land of technology,” Blyth answers.

“I’m sorry! I honestly didn’t even think about it once Drew found me,” I apologize, unable to keep the smile off my face.
