Page 21 of Lustre Lost

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I take a few steps toward her, and stretch my arms out to pull her toward me…

BAM. Rat-a-tat-tat.

The bomb goes off behind us and I can hear gunfire on the street. My pulse is beating in my ears, breath coming in rapid pants as I grab Tilly and take her to the ground. I feel her body crush underneath me as she cries out. But there is no time to make sure she’s okay.

I need to save her; I need a good location to protect her.

Glancing around, I spot the front counter and drag her and Hot Dog behind it. The insurgents haven’t made it to her shop yet; maybe there is time for us to rush out the back.

The dusty scent of sand invades my nostrils, and the grit coats my tongue. No… no, not now. I can’t have a flashback when I need to get Tilly to safety.

Her soft hair in my hand grounds me when tiny razor blades of sand pelt my face. Peeling my eyelids open, I look down at her.

Honey-brown eyes are staring up at me, and blood trickles down her chin. Hot Dog begins to wriggle around between us and I push back to give him some space.

“Be very quiet,” I whisper, getting into a crouch. “We need to sneak out the back before they come in the front.”

“Who?” she asks with a quiver in her voice. I try to pull her out of the room.

“The enemy combatants, stay low and follow me.” I slide Hot Dog into my shirt and reach around to grab my gun—only to find it missing. Fuck, where did my gun go?

We crawl silently back to the kitchen area with our fingers interlocked. Tilly keeps rhythmically squeezing my hand, and it helps to calm my racing heartbeat. As I focus on her, the swirling sand disappears and my panic recedes.

I can do this. I was trained to do this. I must keep Tilly safe.

We finally make it into the kitchen, and as soon as we get there, a shrill alarm screams. I reach for her, but Tilly jumps up and walks quickly to turn it off and pull a pan out of the oven.

“Get back here,” I whisper-shout.

She returns to me and cups my face, leaning in and pressing our lips together. The smells of cinnamon and vanilla engulf me and chase away the last remnants of dusty sand. I relax into the kiss and her arms come around me, allowing the tension in my chest to loosen.

Her kiss is all I can think about; her soft lips, the sweet little whimpers she makes as I take control. I softly skim my hands over her body, then pull back, still holding on to her.

There’s no blood on her face now and the world feels clear again. Reality slowly filters in. Fuck. What did I just do? An episode in broad daylight? And in the bakery? Shame slithers up my spine.

“Are you okay?”

“Are you okay?”

We both say at the same exact moment, and Tilly gives me one of her Sunshine smiles, while slowly tracing my face. Her gentle caresses continue down, massaging my neck, sending the last of my panic away.

“There you are,” she murmurs, her honey-brown eyes filled with concern.

“I’m sorry,” I croak. “Did I hurt you?”

I can’t help but reach up to touch her chin, turning her face this way and that. There is no hint of bruising, no line of dried blood.

Fuck. Adrenaline is still surging through me, and I’m trembling with the aftershocks. Tilly seems to know just what I need and interlocks her fingers with mine, giving them a squeeze.

“Not even a little,” she replies, shifting forward to settle her head on my chest. Leaning back against the wall, I pull her even closer, relishing the way she feels in my arms. Her soft curves fit against me perfectly.

Relief washes through me, just as embarrassment rises up. I shouldn’t be with her. Clearly, I’m too damaged. I could have hurt her. And what if there had been a room full of people here today?

“Stop!” she demands. “I can hear you thinking a mile away. And I want you to cut it out right now Drew. Yes, you got triggered when that car backfired—but your only goal at that moment was to protect me. Even when you pulled me to the ground, you made sure not to hurt me, or Hot-Dog for that matter.”

“Sunshine…” I say, trying to put a bit of distance between us. But she absolutely will not stand for it.

“Oh, hell no. I love you, Drew. Damaged bits and all. I don’t care. You’re the warmest, kindest man I know. I’ve loved you; pined after you for years. You and Hot Dog coming in here is the highlight of every day. Nobody makes me feel like you do, no one could ever take your place. I’m yours and you are mine. You are not going to end this.”
