Page 3 of Lustre Lost

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The door slams open into the wall so forcefully that the whole cabin shakes. Grinning, I lean back and spread my legs, allowing the smooth leather of the couch to cool my overheated skin. A drop of condensation slides down the bottle and lands on my chest as I lift my beer to my lips, taking a swig. I swallow hard as she fills the doorway.Damn. Tilly Collins is an absolute vision.

Long, dark hair swirls around her as she saunters into the room. Her brown eyes are already clouded with lust, her mouth is painted red, and I can see her nipples poking through the soft material of her short yellow dress.Oh, yes, it is going to be a fantastic night.

“Well, there you are,” she says, licking her lips.

“Here I am.”

My hands wave, beckoning her forward, and she glides toward me until she is standing between my outstretched legs. As soon as she reaches me, I grip the thin material she’s wearing and tug firmly on it. The seams pop and the dress slips to the floor, bearing her to my hungry gaze. My cock pulses as her rosy pink nipples come into view. They are already peaked and I can’t wait to roll them between my fingers; taste them.

My eyes slide down her body, noting all the smooth skin and her perfect belly until finally reaching the juncture between her thighs. Reaching out my hand, I cup her pussy and find her wet and ready.Yes, finally.

She lowers herself to her knees before me. Already naked, I grip myself at the base and offer her my cock.

“Suck me deep, beautiful girl,” I grunt as she licks over the head. She teases my throbbing cock with scattered kisses and slow swirls of her tongue, but I am not a patient man. Our eyes lock as I fist her hair and thrust myself into her mouth, pushing until I meet the back of her throat. With a mischievous smirk, Tilly swallows around me.

“Oh, yeah,” I moan as the warm heat of her mouth engulfs me. Unable to hold back, I set a punishing pace; in… out… in… out. I drive deeper, watching her red lips stretch as she takes me in all the way to the root. Tilly moans, taking all I can give her, and her thighs glisten with arousal. My hips pump faster, sawing in and out. Anticipation prickles at the base of my spine, and pleasure shoots through my body. I’m almost there.

Throwing my head back, I roar out my release… but my orgasm flees as sand and grit enter my mouth.

What. The. Fuck.

Looking down, my heart begins to pound because Tilly is gone, and all around me is red desert sand.No. No. No. Not again.

I hobble to my feet, but my leg won’t move. It’s stiff and dragging behind me. My standard issue camo pants are crimson, soaked in blood. Ignoring the pain shooting from my knee, I try to rush forward, but I am sucked back down; into the sand.

My feet struggle for purchase, but I slip and fall. The wind picks up, and dust and grime pelt my body as I sink deeper and deeper; the desert doing its very best to swallow me whole.

My heart is pounding, trying to leap from my chest. In the distance, loud pops of gunfire blast away. This is bad, really bad. My SEAL team is in trouble and I need to get to them, but my leg is useless. Blood soaks into the surrounding ground, turning the red sand a muddy brown.

The blistering sun beats down on me, sweat drips down my back, but I pull myself toward the people who need me. Unable to stand, muscles straining, I claw my way toward my team. The rough sand swirls again, slamming into my face like a thousand tiny razors until my eyes and lungs are burning. All I can taste is sand. All I can see is sand. Tears track down my cheeks, blood trails behind me and still I push forward.

My men are shouting and their cries for help ring in my ears, but I still can’t get to them. No matter what I do, the bombs will explode, killing them all.There is no changing the past. I don’t save them. I’m no one’s hero.

Something cold and wet nuzzles my face. Wait, what? The wet touch comes again, this time followed by the oddest sensation, a rough tongue gliding across my cheek.

Lick. Lick. Lick.

Reality begins to break in through the fog of my nightmare as doggie breath wafts into my nose. My body is curled into a fetal position, covered in sweat, and every single muscle is locked tight. Heartbeat still thundering, I’m not ready to open my eyes yet, so I start my count first.

One.Wiggle my toes.

Two.Take a calming breath.

Three.What can I sense? Well, that’s easy… dog breath.

Four.Stretch my body out.

Five.Suck it up.

With one final deep breath, I crack open my eyes, and a feeling of gratitude rushes through my battered body when I see two liquid brown pools staring back at me.

“Hello, Hot Dog,” I say to the little red dachshund. As soon as I acknowledge him, the foolish beast begins to wiggle around the bed, rolling himself under my chin. Using his paws, he presses against my chest, licking and wriggling against me until I stroke his soft fur. His antics are the final straw that brings me back to the present.

Rolling onto my back, I glance around my bedroom, noting that all is as it should be. My books and water are still set neatly on my bedside table. The chair is piled with clothing, just as I had left it and the door to the bathroom is open, towel hanging on the handle. At least I didn’t tear the house up this time.

Snagging my phone off the table, I tap the screen. Only one message pops up. It’s from my mother and simply says, “Hope you’re well. Would like you to check in.” The phone thumps against the wood, falling back onto the table as a wave of guilt washes over me. Since coming back, I haven’t been home much. I should, but it’s hard to be there and pretend I’m the same man I used to be.
