Page 6 of Lustre Lost

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“I wish.”

“Yeah, I know you do. So does this mean Operation Black Moon is a go?” She wiggles her eyebrows and does a little hip thrust.

My eyes stray to the poem again. Reaching up, I pull it down and hug it against my chest. Tonight, a Black Moon will grace the sky. Although the lore talks about the new moon, my grandmother told me that the chances of finding true love are higher during the black moon—like the night she and my grandfather met.

Blyth and I have plotted endlessly about getting Drew up to Lustre Lake to see if the magic picks us…

Maybe it’s time.

The plan we have concocted—Operation Black Moon—is simple. I head out on a hike. When I get to the little path that leads to the lake, I’m supposed to call Blyth, and then she will rush to the SAR building to tell Drew that I’m injured on the mountain. She’ll give him my location so that he can come to meet me lakeside to “help”, hopefully getting caught up in the moment and bam—Happily Ever, Forever.

Obviously, there are tons of ways that this whole thing could go wrong…but perhaps…

Nodding my head, I decide it’s time to take a chance.

Hope for a little magic.

“Operation Black Moon is a go.”

Chapter Three


“Well,Iguessthatwasn’t particularly smooth, huh?” I say to the little dog in my vest. I am a moron. Plain and simple, I can’t believe I just walked out when Tilly’s friend came in. Hot Dog hits me with the side eye.

“I know, buddy,” I mutter, shaking my head.

Walking down the sidewalk, I try to hurry. People in this town tend to stop you, just to chat.

Who does that?

Mrs. Worther steps out of her flower shop, directly into my path, causing me to pause.

“Good morning, Drew. Happy Black Moon Eve,” she says with a cheerful grin. I mumble a quick thanks and dart around her so she can’t see me rolling my eyes.

This town and its stupid superstitions. Who the hell believes standing by a lake can make you fall in love? It doesn’t make any damn sense. It does lead to lost, injured, and trapped tourists, though. Unlucky-in-love losers who think a lake will fix their lives.

I hustle along before anyone else can slow me down.

Trees and flowers line the street, and unique little storefronts are everywhere. Antique stores, bookshops, and even a tattoo parlor. Dodging through the groups of talking tourists and locals, I veer down the street where the firehouse and police department are located. Off to the side is the little brick building the town provided as a Search and Rescue Headquarters.

The metal door squeaks as I push it open, revealing our shared space. It’s not much, just a bunch of tables, couches, and comfy chairs, but it’s perfect. Its cozy vibe allows the team to take a breather between calls and serves as a place to hunker down and rest the dogs.

I am the only full-time SAR member; the others are part-timers or volunteers. Right now, there are seven of us with trained dogs, but the community here is strong. People are always willing to lend a hand, or a hoof, to aid us.

For a moment I think the office is empty, but as the door slams baying erupts from the bathroom. Blue, Jeremy’s enormous Bluetick Coonhound, is the only one who can make that unholy sound. The thump of pounding paws heads our way, so I quickly set down my bag of goodies and coffee.

Blue rushes into the room and jumps up on me to greet Hot Dog. His enormous paws slam into my chest and I stumble back a step. Hot Dog reaches his long snout forward until they touch noses and Blue sits, waiting for me to place his buddy on the floor.

Digging into my vest, I grab my now squirming dog and set him down.

The two act like they haven’t seen each other in years, when in reality it’s only been a few days. Before long, the butt sniffing is over and Blue’s incredible nose has picked up the scent of Tilly’s muffins. Gobs of drool fall from his mouth as Jeremy wanders into the room.

“Do I see New Moon Bakery coffee? Please tell me you brought me some food.” He doesn’t wait for me to reply before snagging the bag off the table. Rifling through, he tosses a treat to each dog before reaching for the second bag that contains the people food.

“I didn’t ask for anything for you, but they are in there just the same,” I grumble at him. With his blond hair and pretty boy face, Jeremy is beloved by all of the local women. I hate that she tossed in his favorite snack, even if it makes me a dick. Jeremy needs to stay the hell away from my girl.Wait, no… not my girl. Stop that.

“Sweet. Tilly packed me Apple Pie Scones, that woman is a goddess.” My blood begins to heat. “Amazing baker, not to mention she’s damn fine to look at. All that long dark hair, legs for days, and oh yeah, don’t even get me started on her rack.”

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