Page 2 of Lustre Blanketed

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Disgust rolls through me. My girlfriend of two years is getting plowed by another man and doesn’t even have the decency to panic when I catch them in the act. Yes, I know she wanted me to propose and I didn’t—but this is a drastic fucking way to show me. Bitch.

Don’t let them see you sweat. You’ve been through worse.

“No thanks. But you just keep enjoying my sloppy seconds. Don’t mind me,” I bark, shaking off the shock. Stomping over to my bag, I toss it on the bed right by Sammy’s face as if she wasn’t even there.

“What are you doing, Cole?” she pants out between thrusts. How the hell could she not know I would leave?

I ignore her and continue to move around the room, tossing my clothes into the bag. Fortunately, most of my stuff is in the Olympic Village, so it doesn’t take long.

“Do you even care? Aren’t you going to fight for me?” she cries, never once stopping. Their bodies slap together, causing rage to grow within me—but I learned long ago not to use my fists to get my point across. My hands clench, but I just keep packing, grabbing the important things as quickly as possible.

I zip the bag and bend down so I can look her straight in the eye. “You’re not worth fighting for. We’re done,” I coldly growl.

“Enjoy my leftovers, Sully. Hope I didn’t leave her too stretched out for your tiny dick,” I call as I head out of the hotel suite. Jumping over the abandoned Chinese food seeping over the floor, I slam the door behind me.

Unwilling to wait for the elevator, I rush down the stairs, flinging the door open when I get to the lobby. My bag is heavy as I sling it over my shoulder and I stumble, knocking into some woman. She lets out a little cry and glares at me with silver eyes.

“Get out of my way,” I growl, pushing past her. Yup. Dick move, but I need to get the hell out of here. Without glancing back, I march straight out the door.

“You’re going to be okay, Mr. Corrigan,” the friendly paramedic assures me as he helps me into the back of the ambulance.

He may be right. I’ll physically recover.

But nothing will be alright until I get my revenge.

Chapter One

Cole, Ten Months Later

“ComeonWinnie,”Igroan, tossing my head back as frustration slices through me like a sharp knife through butter. The cold air blows across the field as we practice with the search and rescue team, and I sense their disappointment from afar. The bright blue eyes of my fluffy Bernese Mountain dog glare at me with obvious disappointment; which only makes me angrier sinceshe’sthe one fucking this up.

A little red dachshund zips around her—sniffing the box right in front of my dog’s stupid furry face—and begins giving little yipping barks, signaling that he’s found the scent. Damnit. Winnie needs to figure this shit out before we get booted. We just got here, but many more mess-ups and the entire team will realize I’m a total fucking imposter.

Embarrassment crawls up my spine as Drew, my boss, comes stomping toward us with a reward for his dog.

“Good boy, Hot Dog,” he praises, stooping down to lift the furry menace and offer him some kind of treat.

Winnie lets out a deep woof and jumps up, trying to grab the snack, earning herself a little warning growl from the wiener dog.

“Well, he’s an angry little rat dog,” I attempt to joke, but it clearly falls flat when Drew just stares at me with one eyebrow raised.

“How long did you say you’ve been working with her again?” he asks, snapping his fingers. My damn dog immediately obeys his unspoken command, plopping onto her butt. He rewards her by tossing one of his strange-shaped treats her way and Winnie snaps it right out of the air, happily munching as he pats her on the head. My dog licks her chops, butting up against Drew’s leg, a complete whore for his treats and affection. Why does she behave so well for everyone else?

“Four months, but the training center said she was fully ready. So, I don’t know what her problem is. She should be able to track a simple scent in a field with ease,” I seethe, frustration bubbling in my gut.

Drew’s face hardens, and he opens his mouth to speak, but a small woman with long red hair saunters up to us with a friendly grin. Unable to muster any false cheer, I scowl back, but she is completely undeterred. She bumps her shoulder against Drew, sharing some unspoken communication, until he finally rolls his eyes and walks back toward the rest of the team.

He waves everyone in and points at the search and rescue building, indicating that we should all pack it up and head into the warmth.

Grabbing the box and scent item right in front of me, I hustle into the building with Winnie and the redhead hot on my heels. Damn, I was hoping to avoid whatever she wanted to talk about.

Placing the heavy load where it belongs, I take a deep breath and then turn toward her reluctantly; not particularly eager to hear whatever ‘helpful advice’ she wants so badly to impart.

“Hi. We haven’t met yet. I’m Kenna. Do you guys need some help?” she asks, reaching out her hand so Winnie can give her a sniff. The big dog’s tail thumps against the floor and she nuzzles the woman’s outstretched fingers.

“No,” I grump. “Winnie just needs to remember all her commands.”And stop making me look like a moron before I lose this job.

“Hi, beautiful baby,” she coos. Crouching down, Kenna rubs my dog’s head, laughing when her own black lab pushes into the mix. The two vie for attention, causing her to sprawl backward onto the floor as both pups crowd around her, begging for pets and Kenna is happy to oblige. Stretching out, Winnie lays her big head in the small woman’s lap.

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