Page 21 of Makai

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My chin lowered near my chest while I tried to gain control of myself. I weighed the pros and cons of agreeing to follow Makai into the darkness. The pros were winning by a landslide. Because I was beyond my ninety-day probation period at Berkeley Presbyterian, I was free to take some time off. With my schedule including two days off schedule, adding a few more, if need be, didn’t sound so bad.

“I’m not fucking with it if you ain’t sure ’bout it, sure ’bout me. You got the number, Mommas. Just hit me when you’re ready for a nigga.”

He released me from his grasp and twisted the knob of my door, opening it in preparation to leave. I shut it, protesting his stance. My hand rested atop his, pulling it until it fell from the handle.

“Five minutes. I’ll be ready in five minutes.”

“I’ll be here.”

He opened the door, sinking my heart into my stomach. The panic was apparent, altering my features and stopping him in his tracks.

“Right outside,” he clarified with a chuckle, exposing his single dimple.

“Okay. Five minutes.”

“Five minutes.”

Nodding, he left me alone to run through the house without a clue as to what I was doing, where I was going, and why I’d agreed to a date that included more than one night’s stay. Somehow, someway, I cared less about anything other than being in his space, again. Though it had only been for a little while on that day three months ago, finding my way back was something I’d considered on several occasions.

I slung my suitcase on top of the bed and emptied its contents. It felt like an eternity since I’d stepped foot outside of Berkeley. From the moment I began nursing school, life almost completely stopped for me. My head was in my books. Hardly anything else mattered. The excitement that began stirring in the pit of my stomach was evidence that I needed this break from reality as much as Makai wanted me to have it.

Hygiene supplies, makeup, swimsuits, panties, bras, shirts, bottoms, dresses, they were all tossed inside my bag or over my arm at random. Every few seconds, I checked the time on my phone, making sure I wasn’t running behind. When I learned the five minutes had elapsed, I slipped on the Coach slides near the door and headed out. It wasn’t until the mugginess of the night hit my thighs that I realized I’d rushed out in the same attire that Makai had forbade.

Because I was already halfway to his truck, I continued. The driver’s door opened and his head appeared between the gap. His dark eyes penetrated me, lodging an arrow in the center of my chest. His frustration with my disobedience was written all over his face, bringing a smile to mine. I could feel the exposure of nearly all thirty-two of my teeth as the midnight air kissed them one by one.

Makai’s long, lean body rounded his truck in a matter of seconds. The distance between us had been obliterated, swiping the smile off my lips. He was far too close, smelling, and looking far too good. Blinking away the enchantment, I tried focusing on something—anything—other than his beauty.

My suitcase was ripped from my hands in the most precious manner. He leaned forward after tossing it inside. When he stood upright again, he wasn’t empty-handed.

“Here.” He grimaced, handing me a pair of black leggings.

The smile I’d tucked away reappeared as he slammed the back door and opened the one I was reaching for. When I turned to slip into the truck, I noticed he hadn’t moved an inch.

“What’s the matter, Makai?” The words fell from my lips before I could stop them.

“Don’t get fucked up, Mommas.”

The snickering of mine that followed left him with flared nostrils and a tilted head. Slamming the passenger door, he warned, “Aight, keep that shit up.”

Unsure of what he was referring to exactly, I disregarded the warning as soon as he settled next to me. The clothes that rested on my arm began to tip over as I struggled with the leggings in my free hand. Deciding it was best to get them settled in my suitcase before slipping them on, I began sorting through the pieces.

One after the other, I folded them on my lap in preparation for transfer. Though I couldn’t quite confirm, I could feel the heat radiating from Makai’s vision as he stared holes into the side of my leg. The pressure of his glare became overbearing, beckoning for every ounce of strength I had in my body.

Angling my torso in his direction, I waited for his pensive nature to absorb his ability to remain silent. The wait wasn’t lengthy at all. He spilled his thoughts and let me know exactly what was on his mind.

“Put it in the suitcase with the rest of that shit and leave it in the backseat when we reach the plane.”

Slightly offended by his disapproval, I cut my eyes toward the clothes on my lap. It was then that I came to the conclusion that I hadn’t been wise with my selection. There were better clothes in my closet, but the time restriction influenced the impulsiveness of my selections.

“Being that I only had a few minut—”

“That’s my fuck up, so I’ma fix it.”

Agreeing with his logic, I watched him toss the clothes in the back seat, one handful at a time. When my hands and legs were free, I remembered the additional task on my agenda. Black, stretchy fabric awaited a stretch. My hands clutched the waistband of the lounge shorts clinging to my body. I pulled them downward, exposing the seamless, beige thong that covered my hairless vagina.

Because the fabric matched my skin tone, the illusion of nudity complicated the moment. Sweat beads drew close to the surface of my skin, making me tingle all over as heat rushed throughout my body. My head collided with the window with a thud.

“Shit,” Makai grunted, regretful of the mistake he’d made.
