Page 23 of Makai

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“Seriously?” I questioned. “You know my name, Makai.”

“Oh, shit. That’s your government, for real?” His eyes blossomed in pure astonishment, assuring me that he truly didn’t know my name, and neither did he believe it was Glacier.

“You watched me walk across the stage. My name was called. How’d you not notic—nothing.”

Shaking my head, I began to regret the impulsive decision to join him.

Pulling me closer, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Cheer up, Mommas. I wasn’t listening for your name to be called. I was waiting until that pretty face of yours flashed across the screen.”

“I’m Aeir.” A gentle, soothing voice pulled me from the slum I was headed into.

“Glacier,” I replied, extending a hand.

Ignoring it completely, she opted for a hug instead. Like magnets, our bodies connected, arms wrapping around one another.

“That’s Halo,” she said, pointing to the coziest girl on the plane.

Slowly, she popped her hand from underneath the blanket that shielded her. “Hi.”

“That’s Nature.”

“Hi!” Nature tossed a hand in the air.

“And that’s—”

“Kleu. Nice to meet you, girl. You look like you have some sense. So, how’d you end up here, with this senseless ass ni—”

“Call off ya dog,” Makai joked, pulling me toward the back where there was available seating.

“I’m beating his ass before the trip ends. I see that shit now.”

“That’s Lawe, he the biggest hater of the bunch. Don’t mind him!” Makai yelled toward the front where Lawe was seated.

Still apprehensive about the fact that Makai didn’t know my name, I put necessary space between us after we both were seated. To my dismay, he moved forward, closing the gap. A second attempt to part us proved unsuccessful when I felt Makai’s arm around my waist, sliding me so close that I could feel his heart beating against my back.

“I don’t mind giving your pretty ass something to pout about,” he whispered, lips grazing my ear as he did so.

The stirring in my panties was as sinister as the smirk that I was certain I’d find plastered on his face. I relaxed against his frame, understanding that any battle I was fighting with him, I’d easily lose. Makai was war-ready. He was equipped. He was fearless. Losing, for him, wasn’t an option.

“I fucked up, but I’ma fix it.”

It was his second time reciting the line, and again, I believed every word. The lights of the cabin dimmed and everyone began to find comfort. The spaciousness gave us all enough options to keep our limbs from numbing and our necks from growing tired.

What I’d assumed was the back of the plane, where Makai and I were, happened to be the center. There was a full sleeping quarter behind us. Halo and Ledge were the first to retire, sharing one of the two queen-sized beds that were next to each other.

Though I wasn’t sure how long the flight would last or where we were headed, something deep within me told me that I wouldn’t touch the ground for at least another five hours. The thought alone brought about tiredness. Closing my eyes, I prepared to join the other women, who were all on their way to a more peaceful place.

* * *

“Aye. Aye. You slobbin’.”

Makai’s voice, as startling as it was, woke me from my sleep. Feeling as if I was falling, I grabbed the closest thing to me. My fingers curled around his shirt, bringing him closer to me than he already was. The wetness that slid down the side of my face confirmed his revelation. I was indeed slobbering. Flushed with embarrassment, I used the paper towel he was handing me to clean my mouth.

“Oh God. Sorry. Usually, I don—I guess I’m just really tired.”

It was the second time Makai had witnessed saliva slide down the side of my face. Trying to convince him that they were the only two times I’d experienced it as well would take far too much energy, so I let it be.

My body shut down completely in his presence. Safety, survival, and security weren’t on my priority list in his presence. Not even my brain functioned properly with him near. However, that was a compliment I wasn’t quite prepared to share.
